Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Dear Fans of WWT,

Be sure to check out both recap posts of this week's episode. It was so good that we accidentally had Dugan and Smalz both write recaps. Be sure to read them both. Sorry for the mix-up. It was my fault.



  1. Don't even worry about it wags. It was an interesting accidental experiment. I am both pleased with my progress as a contributing member of WWT (things are moving slower, I feel like a highly drafted QB in his second season when things finally start to 'slow down') and I also see where I have areas for improvement (Bach. Bat Signal???... GENIUS). Also if any segment deserved double-coverage it was Rated-R's meltdown. I can't believe there wasn't more mocking wrestling skits from the guys left.

  2. Thanks to my cousins, the Dugans, I'm now addicted to this show and consequently, this blog. I'm loving your recaps and even my college roomates are reading the blog. So thanks, from all of us, for the weekly distraction from studying for grad school exams. My only thought this week is: don't they have helicopters in Turkey?

  3. As the younger half of the Wagstaffes, I feel like it'd be doing the family wrong if I didn't read this blog. This week I was unable to watch the show as I am in the homeland of Rated R and, though he's on the other side of the great white north, I've been keeping an eye out for him. Thanks to the double recap, however, I don't feel like I missed that much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Katie and Joe, Welcome. Not sure if this has been expressed enough (and I am not against begging) but comments are wonderful and provide a lot of motivation. In other news, it looks like our followers have dropped from 19 to 18. I demand to know who decided to "stop following" the blog. I will hunt you down

  6. As we used to say in our previous radio career, "someone is always listening." Readers of the blog, we know you're out there.

    Dugan, I clicked on your profile because of the new photo. Let me be the first to say, BRAVO. The picture is hilarious and made even funnier because it's called "bulletproof." I think it's funny to imagine your computer desktop having a self-photo titled bulletproof. Also, the lyrics to that Jimmy Buffett song makes your profile look like a ranting pirate terrorist.
