Monday, January 17, 2011

Episode III: The Bachelor Eliminates the Blondes who will not be the next Bachelorette

Luckily, it’s early in the season and I probably haven’t ruined the episode for you yet. This week’s blog, like the show itself, will hit a groove now that it is week 3 and the ladies are no longer strangers.

Nanny Ashley “Seals” the Deal

Dugan is not above bad puns and Brad and the Nanny showed they are not above public embarrassment on the first one-on-one of the episode. Brad and his Nanny travel to Studio A at Capitol Records to perform the 1994 hit, Seal’s “Kiss From a Rose.”  Just food for thought, but 15 of the original 30 Ladies were Ten Years old or younger when Seal’s hit helped Val Kilmer usher in Batman Forever.

Brad and his Nanny predictably butcher the song, but Mr. Klum saves the day and helps Ashley seal a rose. Ashley’s tattoo count is listed at 0, but this may be due to most states’ laws against tattooing minors (that’s what she said!). I am not buying that Ashley is 26. My guess is 13. Helping me is the fact that she had on Silly Bands.

In a recurring theme this season, the Nanny has daddy issues.

The Ho Movie, a.k.a. “Love Hurts”

Director Steven Ho (do yourself a favor and read his Wikipedia) gathered Brad and a large group of ladies for some more fake movie making. We have Malibu Shark Attach Teacher Lindsey, Step*Daddy Car Dealership Chantal, Young Alli, Food Writer Britt, Dugan’s Guarantee to leave until she does Kimberly, No Date Sarah, 6 Feet Under Shawntel, Dentist Ashley, Lisa (who I decided applied for Beauty and the Geek but was mistakenly cast on the Bachelor), Bartender Stacey, Sporty Spice Marissa and C.E.M.#II (Crazy Eyes Michelle #II for those that did not read the comments from last week’s blog, also pronounced “Chem 2” like in high school).

Despite the movie making, the date did not bring much drama until the Wrap Party. Chantal told us about her Daddy Issues,

C.E.M.#II’s crazy picked up speed with an awkward presence during Alli’s sit down with Brad, but Shawntel’s acting earned the rose. Back at the house, Artist Jackie, Bachelorette Emily, Nanny Ashley, Twilight and Bad Shoes Rising were having a girls night…all drinking Red Wine except Nanny who opted for a Shirley Temple. Mrs. Dugan had a good eye and pointed out that our next Bachelorette Emily was wearing Pajama Jeans for a discussion about her fiancé’s death and subsequent revelation that she was pregnant with his baby.

This is how Twilight summed up the night:

The Bachelor takes out the Bachelorette on a One-on-One

Despite some very questionable decision making by the producers to put Emily in a Pilatus, Brad and the Bachelorette have a very nice date at Cambria Winery as Mrs. Dugan and I try to figure out how the producers are going to have Emily exit the show. (For the record, Mrs. Dugan says it will involve her missing her daughter, further entrenching her as America’s favorite Coal Miner’s Daughter and setting up the best ratings in Bachelorette history).

Brad continues his Forest Gumpian/Dumb & Dumber “I like her a lot” but gives three “lots” this time. You may recall Dentist Ashley was only two “lot” hot in Brad’s first one-on-one of the season. No doubt Emily is 3 lot hot and secures the rose. Meanwhile, back at the house, Twilight can’t shake how real shit has gotten.

Guess Who’s Coming to the Rose Ceremony?

Bradmund Freud!!! He meets with his L.A. Therapist to learn Jedi mind tricks to get the girls to open up. Brad learns that he must open his heart and become vulnerable if he wants the girls to come in. Brad decides to open up at the rose ceremony.

Brad has to be careful for what he wishes for. His new open self leads to Alli presenting her own Daddy Issues (this is getting ridiculous). Stepdaddy Car Dealer Chantal and Brad have some chemistry and their solid time together was interrupted (I give you one guess) by C.E.M.#II. C.E.M.#II seems to be confused by the show she is on. She wants “Brad’s side” of why he kissed other girls Shawntel and Chantal.

Here’s Dugan’s take: HE’S THE FUCKING BACHELOR.

This is a good time to bring up C.E.M.#IIs crazy quotes of the week:

  1. Her feelings on the other girls: “I’m not gonna lie, I hate them.”
  2. Her thoughts on the other girls’chances: “Pack your bags, get your plane tickets booked…farewell, goodbye. He is mine. He is mine.”
  3. Her plans for Brad in Tahiti: “Practice making babies.”
The Coal Miner’s Daughter was conspicuously absent from the Cocktail Party. Was she filming promos for the Bachelorette?

Who Gets Kissed From a Rose?

The Nanny, 6 Feet Under and the Bachelorette are safe.

  • C.E.M.#II gets a rose.
  • Step Daddy Dealer Chantal is next.

BOOM. Twilight exits the building. She was never able to recover from Emily’s tragic story. Shit just got real.

  • Lisa moves on and thinks she is one step closer to having Brad be her prom date.
  • Artist Jackie
  • Dentist Ashley
  • Sporty Spice Marissa
  • Food Writer Britt
  • Alli
  • Malibu Shark Attack Lindsey
  • Bad Shoes Rising
  • Bartender Stacey

No Date Sarah and Dugan’s Guarantee to leave until she does Kimberly join Twilight on Blond Farewell night. DGTLUSD Kimberly gave a great exit interview: “Fuck Brad. His Loss.” Malibu Shark Attack and Food Writer Britt better watch out as the remaining red head/blond (Bachelorette excluded because the Producers have to drag her appearance a little longer to up her Q rating.)

Till next week, ladies and gentlemen.


  1. Excellent recap Dugan. I love the incorporation of Bad Boys. The only thing I want to say is I can't believe the producers of ABC would put the hottest girl ever to be on this show on that plane. Yes, she's probably flown since but the plane had to be pretty darn similar to the one that crashed. I think by the faces she was making she was thinking the exact same thing. On to how I'm trying to make this blog famous.

    As I'm driving into work, I was listening to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning. They have this woman on each week that does a recap of the episode. There was a discussion about how there's two Chantal's and it's crazy since that's not a common name. One of the hosts of the show says that she wishes nicknames would be given to the girls so it would be easier to remember them. A lightbulb went off in my head "Wait... I have a cure for what ails her."

    Upon arrival to work, I promptly sent her email with a link to the blog. You can all thank me later when this thing takes off.

  2. WikiLeaks just published the braistorming notes allegedly used in pre-production meetings this season. Scratched out ideas included: a father/daughter square dance and having all 25 girls named "shawn-tell" to make it easier for brad. Circled ideas included: putting Emily a) on a private plane and b) at a Nascar race track.

  3. Liz and I are back from vacation this past week and back to reality. To soften the blow, we luckily had 4 hours of the Bachelor to catch up on when we returned.

    Many thanks to Dugan for taking the blog lead two weeks in a row. Well done posts!

    So far this seems to be a season fraught with more mental issues than normal. Bradmund Freud has his "home therapist" and his "Hollywood-Aussie therapist. (They are different therapists, right?). An unfortunate side effect of the outside counseling is that it has seemed to lessen this blog's perpetual favorite character/host/leader/inspiration Chris Harrison. Why does Bradmund need guidance from the Aussie when he has the superior source of guidance, Chris Harrison, right these to lend a helping hand.

    I hope that we'll be seeing more Harrison in the coming weeks.

    So this season will obviously be dominated by CEM II. I actually think the producers may not be requiring Brad to keep her. I think she is doing a nice job of being really forward with him and being very clear about how she feels about him. Bradmund is under her CEM II spell. Bradmund is probably watching this season now and realizing just how crazy CEM II is when he's not around.

    I would also like to take a moment to commend Bradmund for keeping the only minority on the show around. It's great to see a redhead make it this far. When Bradmund makes his final decision, he will surely be in compliance with the NFL's Rooney Rule.

    I agree with Jeff that it was messed up to put Bachelorette Emily on that plane. It was also messed up to make the girl sing the Seal song that her dead father liked so much. I can't wait to see what they do this week. Prediction: "Brad and Food Writer Britt are going on a romantic date to a honey farm. Britt is so willing to find love that she will ignore her bee allergy. Get your Epi Pens ladies!"

    Can't wait to find out how CEM II got those black eyes.

  4. I really like the Bad Boys clip too. It may be "the most dramatic" YouTube clip ever posted on our blog.
