Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bachelor Pad How I Love Thee

1) This show rocks and is so much more interesting than the Bachelor/ette. I think this is mostly because there is far less dialogue.

2) The dynamic Chris Harrison/Melissa due is the opposite of dynamic, more like the Chris Harrison carrying the team duo ... or something.

3) ABC did such an excellent job picking these fine characters and grooming them by sending them on co-ed trips to create sufficient relationship history, such as Blonde/Brunette Elizabeth & Jesse Kovacs. I'll stop at 3 in case any of the contestants of the Pad are reading. I don't want the math to get too complicated. So, I left off with Kovacs, which leads me to my unrelated point .....

Jesse Kovacs has a family winery. The website is a rediculous cross promotion of the winery and his appearances on the Bachelorette Season 5 and the Bachelor Pad.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely not even slightly interested in this winery because this kid is involved. However, watching the Pad definitely makes me want to drink. Hmmmm. I'll tell you what I am interested in .... how much emotional pain he will endure at the hands of Elizabeth. Incredible.

Also, these remarkable Kovacs brothers "wrote" a book.

(If you want real wine from a family winery that cares about the product ... check out these guys. Seriously, that's good wine.)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bachelor Pad Word of the Day (Vol 5)

Weatherman: [weth-er-man] -noun, plural -men

1. a person who forecasts and reports the weather; meteorologist





Bachelor Pad Word of the Day (Vol 4 - Urban Dictionary Edition)


1. Someone who cannot be tamed; untame; stubborn...

2. A nice way of calling someone a slut. The labled person, either a male or female, has a "free spirit" and thus is not grounded by society's disapproval of having several sexual partners. Also referred to as free.

I agree with you that Laurie is attractive and might make a nice girlfriend, but, uh, how should I put this...she's very free-spirited.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bachelor Pad Word of the Day (Vol3)

CLASH (klash) v. clashed, clash·ing, clash·es
1: To come into conflict; be in opposition:
2: To create an unpleasant visual impression when placed together: colors that clash.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bachelor Pad Word of The Day (Vol2)

REGRET [ri-ˈgret] verb. Inflected Form(s): re·gret·ted; re·gret·ting

1 a : to mourn the loss or death of b : to miss very much
2 : to be very sorry for [regrets his mistake]

Monday, August 9, 2010

Episode I: Step aside, Michelle.

Crazy [krey-zee] adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est, noun, plural -zies.
1. mentally deranged; demented; insane.
2. senseless; impractical; totally unsound: a crazy scheme.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Most Romantic Sonnet in History

Like the Finale of the most romantic bachelorette finale in history, this 'ode to Roberto' in bastardized iambic pentameter is brought to us by Old Navy's Bootylicious Line of Jeans.


The first impression rose, this guy didn't cry
They share a catch and a close baseball swing
He sings off key but looks into her eye
He's thinking, "I Just Can't Wait to Be King."

He wrestled droopy dog and though he lost
Droops won the date but then got sent back home
His face was swollen from when he was tossed
And could not avoid the dreaded friend zone

In Tahiti, though sweaty lips and cheeks
Roberto, on bent knee, told his girl how
Love's found Ali in brief hours and weeks
But what about what's up with his eye brow? With his love, Ali will want for nuthin'
And Al can help Rob with his top button.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Yo...Creo...Que....Me Encanto...La Bacheloretta.

As Dugan wisely said, we have reached our Super Bowl, the finale of the Bachelorette.

Roberto Meets Ali's Family

Ali's family is shockingly unattractive. She's obviously gone Hollywood while her family has stayed Amish.

Ali's Mom dropped some Espanol on Roberto. She also asks for Salsa dancing lessons. It seemed a little much when she asked if he could make some fajitas for the family. I thought it was especially inappropriate when she asked for the fajitas to be "Chili's style."

Ali's Dad "doesn't see a problem" with Roberto proposing to Ali. That's not exactly the vote of confidence that Roberto was hoping for. I don't see a problem with Parmesan cheese on my pasta. I don't see a problem with fast-forwarding through commercials.

Roberto whispers "adios" to Ali as he leaves. Liz thinks that was a real Enrique Iglesias-esque move.

Chris Meets Ali's Family

Chris seems to have huge Massachusetts advantage. The Amish love Chris L.

Not so shockingly, Ali's Dad was a high school physics teacher. Her Dad could really be a high school Physics teacher model. When I googled "high school physics teacher," a picture of Ali's Dad popped up!!!
Ali's brother reminds me of the younger brother from wedding crashers.

We've been reminded on this date that Chris L. is emotionally fragile. At work, we sometimes tell potential jurors that this is just not the right case for them. In much the same way, this was just not the right show for Chris L. He'd be better off on Dr. Phil.

Individual Moments

Roberto was confident he was going to win because it rained on his date with Ali. Sorry Roberto, Bora Bora has a rainy season that lasts from APRIL THROUGH OCTOBER.

Ali confirmed that the Roberto is not her type, saying that she never thought she would be interested in a guy that looked like him (aka knows how to speak Spanish). This just goes to show that our theory was correct that Mike Fleiss forced Roberto, a solid contestant, on Ali.

Ali informed Chris that the journey is coming to an end the next day and "she doesn't know what to do." This looked like a breakup when it started and then it became a breakup. Living up to her cover-of-People-magazine reputation, Ali "broke all the rules." At least Ali learned her lesson from Lebron and broke up with Chris Cleveland in a small press conference in his Bora Bora trailer. Chris basically locked up next-Bachelor status with the grace he handled that breakup.

I'd like to take a brief time out to thank the composer of this series. Whoever this person is, they deserve applause because this show isn't half a dramatic without the emotion-controlling tunes s/he produces.

Thankfully, Chris is comforted by a rainbow from Heaven. I was really excited with how happy that rainbow seemed to make him. Chris was probably not as excited as this guy though:

Si Se Puede

Sadly, we didn't get the dream ending that I had hoped. For a quick few minutes, it looked like Roberto was going to flip the script and reject Ali. That would have been too good to be true. We would have had to call that the reverse-Womack-double-Martinez.

I guess love won after all, and Ali got her "happy ending" (her words, not mine). It's enough to make kings and vagabonds to feel the love tonight.