Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bachelor Pad Word of the Day (Vol3)

CLASH (klash) v. clashed, clash·ing, clash·es
1: To come into conflict; be in opposition:
2: To create an unpleasant visual impression when placed together: colors that clash.


  1. I was shocked when I saw him walk out. I cannot believe that they would allow him to be on television with that. The person from wardrobe needs to be taken out back where I will personally stone them to death. This is the worst color combination/f'ed up pattern matching I have seen in my entire life. I don't know if that's a poop green suit or not. Who thinks it's a good idea to wear a plaid or checkered shirt and put a polka dot tie on top of it? Honestly?

  2. A la facebook: Dugan likes this.

  3. Though Harrison's clothing choice is a little on the daring/offensive side, I do commend him to his abilities as a host. Melissa Rycroft is proving that there is quite a bit of skill associated with hosting the Bachelor/ette. Every scene with Melissa is painful.

    Speaking of painful, I can't stand Tenley. I'm convinced that she is actually 11 years old. She cries at all times as a defense mechanism for when she has talked trash about someone or started a nasty rumor.

    Speaking of even more painful, the Weatherman is still totally useless but very entertaining. I loved the interaction with Gwen?? on their date. "You like Positano...I like Positano." It's going to take a lot more than having Italy in common to get with Gwen??.

    Finally, Gia is a complete freaking idiot, but I can't blame her for falling for Wes. His powers of persuasion are too strong. He is a force to be reckoned with on this season. I predict a victory for Wes! The only problem could be that they say that love, it don't come easy.

  4. I will occasionally push the envelope with some of my shirt/tie combos, but Chris really went too far...its almost as if he's there for the wrong reasons.

    Gia's an f'ing idiot.

    Question: Will Tenley cry more times than Melissa will appear in the next episode??
