Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Bachelor Episode 7: What an Event

It's Sunday night and time to kick off 5 hours of The Bachelor in the next two nights.  I'm not sure why Fleiss and Co. have made this programming choice.  My guess is they are aware that most of the country looks like this:

Buffalo?  Buffa-no thank you.

Those of us in more temperate parts of the country (Dugan, Mrs. Dugan, Mrs. Wags, and I), have lots of BBQs to attend while wearing shorts and discussing the glory of being able to go to the beach in the winter.  We don't have 5 hours to watch a two night television "event."

It's not actually us.
Who am I kidding?  We'll be watching all 5 hours.  On that note, I have had a little sniffle, so tonight I'll be having an apple brandy Hot Toddy.    

Okay, on to the show.  It's 8 pm and I'm ready for some hometown dates.  Wait a second!  It turns out that the first hour of tonight's episode is a "Chris Tells All" recap of the season.  I'm no mathematician, but this means that the actual episode doesn't start until 9 pm.  It's a good thing I'm celebrating President's Day tomorrow by relaxing and playing video games for 8 straight hours.  

Now that I've wasted the last hour of my life, we can officially begin the recap.

Chris started off quickly with a QOTN nominee.  "It's been a roller coaster ride in Deadwood...I had a group date with Big and Rich and the girls."  This is what I love about reality television.  It's just so real.

As I was typing, No IQ Megan asked Chris how he saw their relationship going.  After mumbling a few words, Chris then sent her home.  At the current breakup rate, tomorrow night might actually be the season finale.  

After No IQ left, everyone (including me), assumed that the carnage was over.  Thankfully, Chris Harrison, our trusty leader and spiritual adviser, had other ideas.  He announced that there would still be a rose ceremony.  I googled "chris harrison dreams" and this is what I found:

For the first time all season, Chris stood up to Fleiss and Co. and said he would not have a rose ceremony because he feels so strongly for all six women.  These ladies are so lucky.  

Solo Date #1: Jade

Chris took all the women home to the farmstead in Arlington, Iowa.  The women seemed so excited.  Chris also seemed talk to his cow Bessie.  Impressively, Chris is much better at forming full sentences when speaking to ungulates (how do you like that big word, Widowmaker!?).

Jade had the first date in Iowa, also known as the "see-how-good-you-are-at-pretending-to-be-excited-to-be-in-Iowa" date.  

Chris started off the date at his house.  They went into the backyard.  His backyard might actually be the size of San Francisco.  Chris recognized this fact by stating, "I love land, owning it and working with it."  Jade on the other hand, is not sure that she could spend her life there.  Why could she ever think that?  There are no jobs, movie theaters, bars, cafes, or restaurants.  This is real.  And for Jade, this is too real.  

Don't worry Jade, there's good news.  Your first home purchase as a couple should go smoothly:

Naturally, they went to a high school football game.  Most of the crowd was somehow related to Chris.  Amazingly, Arlington proved itself to be even smaller of a town when the football players performed in the band at halftime along with the cheerleaders in street clothes.  

As they walked the halls of Chris's high school, Chris said he wanted to see Jade's wild side.  Good news Chris!  Jade has a wild side that EVERYONE can see with a simple google image search.  

In the end, Chris got a kiss from Jade on the 50 yard line.  James Van Der Beek couldn't have scripted it better himself.  

Solo Date #2: Nurse Whitney

Sadly, Nurse Whitney had the next solo date.  This means that we have to listen to her voice for an entire date.  I'm not sure I can handle her pitch.    I swear I'm not a misogynist that dislikes the sound of womens' voices.  I just dislike Whitney's voice.  

Whitney's date was in the big city of Des Moines.  Des Moines is the capital of American insurance companies.  The fun in Iowa just doesn't stop.  

Not even Flo can sell this one.

Back at the house, the other ladies took a road trip to Arlington.  When they arrived, everything was closed.  The library, market, and church.  Closed for business.  

The ladies asked a random guy standing on his front porch if there was anywhere good to eat.  He replied, "not in Arlington."  They asked him what he does.  Turns out he's the pastor at the church.  Did I mention that he was wearing a Call of Duty video game t-shirt? Arlington makes South Bend look like Paris.

On the date, Nurse Whitney got to meet a few of Chris's friends.  They seemed boring like Chris.  Chris just kept calling them his "best friends," never using their actual names. It felt like they were hired to be there.  

And I even know his name
Chris just laughed.  Mrs. Wags rewound the show three times to listen to his laugh.  "It's so stupid.  Can you hear that?!" said Mrs. Wags.  I was more concerned that Mrs. Wags rewound the show for the first time ever.  On the other hand, I have hit the rewind button approximately 1,355 times on the Bachelor.  

Group Date: Fav Britt, Carly Rae, and Kaitlyn Rickles

Before the group date began, Jade decided it would be a good idea to tell Carly Rae that she was in Playboy a couple years ago.  Jade also revealed that she didn't get a chance to tell her Dad at the time, and he found out from his co-workers.  This begs the question, is Playboy even a thing anymore?  What industry does Jade's dad work in where he has multiple work colleagues that read Playboy?  

The group date was at an ice rink.  Chris was not so good on skates.  

Confession: I remember liking this movie

After the ice skating, Fav Britt said that the ladies went to Arlington without him, and she LOVED IT!  This seems like an untruth.  Though he's bad with words, Chris succinctly summed up why women like Britt win the Bachelor when he said, "I can't imagine bringing a woman like that to Arlington."  

Minutes later, Carly Rae attempted to slow down Fav Britt's roll by telling Chris that Britt is lying about her Arlington-love.  Chris confronted Fav Britt about whether she would really like Iowa.  Britt said that she's great at reinventing herself and would love to give Iowa a try. Assuming Britt wins, these statements do not bode well for a lengthy marriage.  

After expressing concern about taking Chris to her parents' house, Kaitlyn Rickles got the date rose.  When Chris returned to the room, Fav Britt gave him a death stare followed by a verbal shredding in front of the other two women.  Chris ran away from the conversation (hopefully for some emotional counseling from Harrison).  

The episode ended with Fav Britt worried that she's going home, the other women confident that Fav Britt is going home, and me wondering why this Bachelor "event" needed to be two nights long.  

Until tomorrow night, when your main man Dugan takes over.

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