There were three losers this week on the Bachelorette: feet, the unemployed, and Texas. The producers of the Bachelorette are really hitting on all cylinders. Since Jillian and the gents had already traveled to Whistler, that left only one other fun Canadian activity. You guessed it, a train ride through the Canadian Rockies. (Like Liz, some of you may have been educated this week when you uttered, "there are Rocky Mountains in Canada?")
The train was great. I have personally ridden across the United States on Amtrak (through the American Rockies). But my family slept in our seats, not in a sleeping car. We were not even close to Jillian's own personal Darjeeling Limited.
The first date went to the Bartender Robbie. BUT WAIT. We quickly found out he makes a mean drink but is actually unemployed. Robbie's employment status did provide for the line of the night though. Like a love philosopher, Robbie uttered "Love doesn't have a job." I think the train started to come to a halt about 8.16 seconds after Robbie waxed poetic on love. Not since Sasha's famous bus exit have we had such a thorough dumping. Sorry Robbie, you're going to have to snowshoe your way home to Texas as the other chumps wave goodbye to you.
The group date was next. Fortunately, there were still 7 pairs of snowshoes left after Robbie borrowed a pair. Could this be the worst date ever? Hide and seek while snowshoeing? Having to talk to Commercial Pilot Jake? Getting a foot rub from a freak? Seeing the freak's giant package (those are Jillian's words, not mine)? My favorite part was definitely seeing Reid back at the train talking to all of the conductors. That looked like fun. Canadians seem really nice and quite helpful, eh? And I definitely agree with the choice to ditch the glasses. Back at the date, Kiptyn was busy getting the date rose. He has a 12 pack so he clearly deserved the rose (and I'm not talking about a case of Labatts Blue).
Finally, it was Reid's chance to show off his overly-styled hair and abundance of psychological issues. I actually like the guy quite a bit. His best line was when he said he usually dates blondes. Nice work trying to get the upper hand in the relationship. Reid also showed his OCD side when he deeply analyzed his aversion to fondue. Most impressively, Reid went snowboarding for the first time. Every snowboarder remembers his or her first time. Ouch! Reid probably couldn't walk the day after that date.
We had some inside information coming out of Pennsylvania via Florida that Reid was bitter about the Bachelorette after it was over. I officially call shenanigans. After tonight's date, Liz and I both think Reid is Top 2. I think he may even win the thing. His anti-Bachelorette rumor milling is a ruse. Mark my words.
Wes kept himself in the limelight as usual. According to Wes, he initially came for the music, but may be falling for Jillian. Everyone I've talked to about the show seems to be in agreement that ABC has portrayed Wes as more of a villain than he actually is. We'll just have to see on his hometown date.
In the rose ceremony, Jillian got rid of two losers, the pilot and the package. She needed to have a discussion with break dance instructor Michael before making her decision. I am becoming less and less hopeful that I will hear, "Never did I think I would fall in love with a break dance instructor." He's 25. It's over after the next episode for our instructor friend.
The rest of this season looks great. We can expect some erectile disfunction, a pitiful return by Jake, and true love at the end.
Here's a world premiere for you loyal readers:
Love it, Tim. I can agree with every point. No job rob had a classic line about love and the train exit was ABC magic. I also think Mary figured out who Jake really is.