You might wonder why that picture is above. If you look closely, you'll notice that it's a cute bird. It's pretty and blue and has neat spots. It also has one leg. If that's the first thing you noticed, you might have a girlfriend back in Texas named Laurel.
This week's Bachelorette was wildly entertaining even though we all knew exactly who was going home. All of the dates took place in Spain. Jillian, not quite looking her best, had dates with Kiptyn, Reid, and Ed. The qualities of all three of these gentlemen could make up one "Super Bachelor," but more on that later
The final date, if you can call it that was with Wes. This date was truly the pièce de résistance of the whole show. Wes arrived in Spain uninterested. He has already won this competition in his head. During his date he seemed distant and unaffectionate. At this point, every Bachelor(ette) fan knows that you must wear your heart on your sleeve. But during a deeply romantic picnic, Wes could only focus on food and feet...bird feet that is. At one point, Wes slipped and said he had a girlfriend. As Jillian started to cry, the not-so-slick waiter brought over the invitation to the fantasy suite on a silver platter. He might as well have brought a human head. As Jillian was literally crying, Wes said, "I think we should do it." Date over on the spot. Easily the worst dream date in Bachelor history.
But the fun had barely begun. At the rose ceremony sans Chris Harrison (no passport?), Wes was obviously going to lose (even though I had a slight twinge that the producers might step in one more time and give Wes one more chance). Jillian made the right choice 4 weeks late and got rid of Wes.
The time had come. Wes's inevitable limo ride. We had waited all season for this moment. AND WES DELIVERED!!! In a delightful nutshell, Wes admitted having a girlfriend, making it the furthest of any person with a girlfriend, wanting to sell records, and wanting to have lots of sex now that he's off the show. Wes finally embraced the dark side completely and turned into pure evil. This was the first episode of the season that I saved so I could rewatch all Wes-related scenes.
Here's my theory on the three remaining Bachelors. If you combined Reid's personality, Ed's wordsmith abilities, and Kiptyn's looks, Jillian would have the Super Bachelor. It's really too bad that science has not advanced far enough to make this happen. Instead, the Bachelorette with the lowest self-esteem in Bachelorette history is on the verge of a very difficult decision.
Remember everyone, loving you don't take that long. Goodbye Wes.
I totally agree! Jill's mark of having the "Lowest Self-Esteem in Bachelorette History" has been an unforeseen and at times pathetic turn of events. Jillian is the Bizzaro version of that girl in highschool that seems aloof and stuck up but is actually just really dumb and doesn't understand what's going on. Only instead of not getting anything, she totally gets everything that's going on around her and still chooses to make some horrific decisions which makes her look dumb and makes all of us think less of her. The good thing for this season is that she seems to have some "deal breakers" (and a proposal is not one of them if your name is Kiptyn). It's not being jelly-guy (in fact she seemed to eat it up when Reid tried to express that he may not be in love with the fact that other guys may get to spend the night with her in Spain and he wasn't going to). I don't even think having a girlfriend (Wes still claims he does/didn't and it was a big post-production scam on the audience) or making her your 2nd priority after you job (Ed) is even set in stone. I think what sunk Wes for Jillian was not being physically affectionate in Spain.
All Wes had to do was be cuddly with her and he send brutally honest Kip home with an "Hombre, you spent too much on that suit, I've been wearing the same 2 shirts the whole show and I'm in the top 3"
I think I'm going to write the sports guy in regards to the "I think we should do it" line for best unintentional comedy of 2009! Wes actively trying to get home for his tour must have completely forgot about this option (He doesn't strike me as the person you give the day's schedule to once and everything gets done). When the fantasy suite key came, the wooden gears started rolling and Wes made what must have been an entire evening full of booty-panhandling for "Numero Uno" - I'd love to have seen some footage of the rest of the night of Wes by himself on La Rambla. I can only hope they have some for the MTA episode and we all know Wes will be there.
Ok, I fully agree. As has been the case with my blog entries, you can tell I go for the lines...and Wes' had the line of the year: "I think we should do it." It was AWESOME. After the worst date in show history proving he has absolutely no interest in the girl, he figures, what the hell, let's fuck before you kick me off the show.
ReplyDeleteAnd who can really understand the girlfriend thing? He tells the camera crew in the limo how far he made it while having a girlfriend then brags about how he is going to have sex all over Spain that same night. Four thoughts:
1. Is Laurel real or made up?
2. Is Laurel in Spain to receive Wes' love?
3. Is Laurel the coolest girlfriend in the history of the world?
4. Is Laurel more or less pathetic than Jillian?
No Chris Harrison??? WHAT?!?!?! Did Jillian need Chris more on this rose ceremony or what? How was the audience to know when the last rose would be given out? I was so confused when it ended. Uh, wait? Is this the last rose? Did it really just end? Wes is gone? I'm blaming TSA. Is Harrison on the no fly list? Will he be in Hawaii?
One last thing about Wes' exit from the show. I fear the Bachelorette jumped the shark on Monday. Obviously, its too soon to tell. But when your contestants are openly mocking the show and producers milk that angle all season - its losing something. I would say credibility but it never had that.
Can Jillian just start over with Tank guys?