Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nice Shorts Buddy

This week's Bachelorette installment lacked a certain je nais se quoi. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it last night. As I was thinking about what was missing today, I realized that it was Wes, Tanner, and Jake. This could be the first season of the Bachelor(ette) that I have been more excited for the reunion show than the actual finale.

On this week's episode, all three contestants were whisked away to Maui. Curiously, ABC found three separate hotels to sponsor the show. Each contestant's fantasy suite was in a different hotel. I think Kapalua is nicer than the Westin or the Sheraton. Either way, the hotel choices proved what kind of tough economic times we are having right now. Maui has this, this, and this.

Date rundowns:

#1: Kiptyn and Jillian were sent to do a team-building-exercise, a.k.a. a rope course. Rope courses seem like a horrible date option. It's about the last thing I would want to do in Maui. I would suggest sitting on a secluded beach with a picnic basket. Kiptyn made the best of it by proving to Jillian that he cares about her with such rope course cliches as, "You can do it," and "Just climb the pole a little more." Oh wait, that last line occurred a little later. Once again, the conversation with Kiptyn stinks. He's a blank slate. Chill out about the flamenco pants dude. He's going to win the whole show, and I don't even feel like we know him. What a shame.

#2: Akward Reid was able to express his feelings really well....with the cameramen. Tell Jillian how you feel, not the producers. Reid really needed Chris Harrison's help to guide him to love. Unfortunately, Chris is really only there to help Jillian. Selfish bastard. Though Reid couldn't express himself properly, he seemed like he had everything going for him. He had the Bachelorette-patented Helicopter Date and he got Jillian in the hot tub. It seemed like a recipe for success. Unfortunately for Reid, he had the most demoralizing rejection in hindsight because he lost to a guy (Ed) that couldn't "perform."

#3: Ed was up last. Maybe that's why he was nervous? Maybe sunburns and dehydration really make it difficult to be excited when you're with someone for the first time? Maybe having your parents on the island gave you performance anxiety? Maybe wearing little green shorts all day cut off circulation? It was one of the more inexplicable, curious moments in Bachelor(ette) history. I worry about Jillian's mental health after this incident. She already has low self-esteem. She is going to blame herself for Ed's problem. This is not going to end well.

In two weeks, a winner will be chosen. The previews seem to indicate that there will be a twist. Most are predicting that Reid returns. I doubt it. That would be too Jakeish. And Reid isn't a commercial pilot with full access to the friendly skies.

Kiptyn Iced Tea is going to win. Dugan is the expert on these predictions. The favorite never wins, and Ed is currently the favorite.


  1. This was a great episode for our Bachelorette drinking game. Jillian said "Abooot" 4x and a really good "Sew-ry" before the first commercial break (A record 15 ABOOOTS and two extra funny Canadian words for the episode - we even has someone from modesto say ruff, instead of roof) so by the time Jillian fell of the totem pole we had a good buzz on. Jillian said she trusts Kiptyn the most, which is a bad sign considering her track record of putting the most faith in people that obviously don't like her. Kiptyn dances around questions better than a Supreme Court Justice at a confirmation hearing.

    My biggest complaint with this episode is not the lack of our favorite side shows. Its pretty disappointing that they don't give us "walk of shame"

    Reid takes his first helicopter ride, Jillian is very excited that this if his first Helicopter ride, even though its not her first helicopter ride. She has been on a bunch of other helicopter rides. This season she's pretty much been on a helicopter ride with everyone one. Anyone catch the yellow blurring ??

    I thought we were going to need some green blurring for Eddie's boys! How much did Ed pay for his John Havlecheck mini-shorts on eBay? AND WHY DID HE LEAVE THEM ON SO LONG!? WITH A PURPLE TANK TOP? Ed's dad trys to one-up his outfit by wearing a shirt that's made out of the same material as the pictures in the hotel room.

    What is Eds name anyways? They said they called him Richie as a child to distinguish him from his dad? then his dad flew in and his name is Rick? So why didn't they just call him Ed as then? Ed's dad claims that he has never seen Ed put his "heart on his shirt sleeve " too bad Ed left all his sleeved shirts at home.

  2. It was the Dugan's first watch party for an episode with our friend Princess visiting. After a 24 hour wait on the DVR, the episode didn't disappoint. They have been building up the Erectile Dysfunction episode all season. Every faithful viewer knew it was bad news for whoever went on the third date as ABC was going to drag that little nugget right to the end of the episode.

    Kiptyn was first and, as Wags pointed out, is decidedly not the favorite. You get the feeling that Jillian is keeping him around just for their "physical connection" and the Dugans were very surprised at the rose ceremony. Kiptyn barely shows interest and always looks like he is letting Jillian date him. It doesn't help that she harps about how great he is and she doesn't feel worthy. She's feeding into it and he could make her do anything. Especially that his competition has his own concerns.

    Reid's date did include the Bachelorette staple of a helicopter. Do you think they would consider purchasing one for the show's use at this point? These helicopter dates always bring up a point of contention for me. How do the couples go on normal dates after the show? Oh, honey, I couldnt book a helicopter to take us to the north pole followed by swimming with dolphins in the bahamas and a red carpet entrance to a hollywood premier...what do you say about Outback instead? Huh? (crickets).

    Back to Reid, the commitment issues sunk him as he didn't understand the show. He was the anti-breakdancing Mike. Mike would have had a ring in his pocket at all times in case they came upon a pilot/minister on a date. Will he be the next Bachelorette? I'm still pushing for Harrigan.

    Ed. What is there else to say? The tank-tops? Shorts? Sky Blue blazer? Parents? Bob Dole issues? Ed's mom and dad actually performed well especially considering Ed's father faded into the wall behind him and it was difficult for Jillian to see him mixed in with the backdrop.
    I have more of an issue with Ed's father. FATHER? He looked 5 years older than Richie. If Ed is 29, his father is no older than 40. This must be explained further.

    Ed has ED. Really? Sometimes the jokes are just too easy. I guess that explains the whole rick, richie, ed name confusion.

    And for the prediction. This is way difficult for me. #1, go with the first Dugan rule of the bachelor(ette) finales: Don't go with the favorite!!!

    Ed is by far the favorite. Did you notice the relationship building of Kiptyn and Jillian in the fantasy suite? Oh, you didn't? Because they did't have time for chit-chat and got down to business. And this show starts at 8pm and is on ABC (ie, the cameras had to leave and ABC didn't want an homage to the Fox Joe Millionaire sounds in the woods).

    However, there has been a wrench thrown in the process. We have never seen ABC throw a guy under the bus more than Ed last night. They have milked the erectile dysfunction episode all season with previews for weeks. Then the interviews where they blame stress, little green shorts, his parents, etc etc etc. It doesn't matter. It's awful. If they cut Ed after the finale, he'll have lost his job, his girl, and his dignity. Kiptyn gets cut and he goes back to dating whoever the hell he wants in California. Will ABC do that to Ed and us?

  3. AHAHAHAHA.... sometimes its so easy we all just miss it... I will have periodic twitters about E.D. hahaha, I will cite the dugan, don't worry the twitters link right to my facebook status
