Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Bachelor: Women Tell All (about CEMII)

Fans, Friends, Foes: The recapitulation will be short and sweet because there were no real revelations during the WTA. For those needing an excuse to skip the episode and save some space on their DVRs, here you go:

  • Brad admitted to being "blindsided by beauty" with Michelle Money, aka, "she was hot so I can put up with a little more crazy."
  • The "Bachelor Nation" is 500 strong and counting and I am pretty sure they play a game called 2 Degrees of Wes.
  • Rozlyn still looks good and is in strong contention for Bachelor Pad II this summer.
  • Gia explains what you cannot do to a girlfriend's former beau, but that "in the rule of skank, you can do that."
  • CEM II got ganged up on by the other women and fake cried about the emotional strain of leaving lil' $ at home. I say fake cried because I believe she'll manage to leave lil' $ at home to go on Bachelor Pad II.
  • Harrison, Lisa and the Dental Student had CEM II's back.
  • The Nanny is still wearing silly bands.
  • No Malibu Shark Attack Lindsey
  • The Manscaper blames Bennigan's Waitress Melissa on her exit from the show. The Nanny and the Artist point out that getting into stupid drama in front of Brad was her own fault.
  • The Dental Student was more likable than ever.
  • Brad comes on at the end and says he is "more and more and more in love every day." So don't worry about the Mesnick Balcony scenes in next week's finale because Brad seems content.
There were some good moments, but it was mostly an uneventful Women Tell All. Dugan's favorite moment came during the CEM II crying scenes when they failed to edit out one of the girls saying "this is stupid."

I agree. Here are some crying pictures to end the WTA recap.


  1. Thanks to Dugan for concisely summarizing the 2 hour "Women Tell All" episode that really only needed to be a half-hour program.

    My favorite part of these shows is the outtake and blooper reel. Bradmund actually seemed to have some personality. Some of the ladies seemed to be much more funny than the producers allow them to be. Michelle even had some pretty funny outtakes.

    Regarding Michelle, she is a great example of why it's a bad idea to go on this show. She was nationally villified, but her persona was likely created by the producers. Though she had to provide the "crazy" material, I have a feeling that CEMI was actually more crazy then CEMII. CEMI took herself really seriously. Though CEMII had some backstabbing tendencies, she did seem to have some lighthearted moments.

    On the other hand, maybe I have been duped by Harrison's defense of CEMII and CEMII's repeated sob story about her daughter.

    Though Dugan wrote that there were no revelations, I think that this line from your post was especially telling: "The Dental Student was more likable than ever."

    She's making a really strong run at the Next Bachelorette. Makeover, big personality, confidence. Seems like a recipe for success.

  2. I like that we're calling her "li'l $"

    We should get to know her more when CEMII becomes the bachelorette and see that while CEMII may not be charlie sheen crazy, but she is dumb enough to mess up a child. Maybe li'l $ will grow up and be a legacy Bachelorette, by then she'll just be $ (which, if she's anything like her mom is what you will need to be a guy on her season).
