Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Bachelorette Episode IV: Four is for Fuck It.

We begin the episode with a review of the Bentley drama which will be discussed ad nauseum through the show. Harrison tells the boys to pack their bags as a change in scenery is needed. The Dental Student and her gaggle of men are heading to Phuket, Thailand for two One-on-ones and a Group Date. As for our introduction to Thailand, I cannot be the only one who thought that first women was going to give Ashley a manicure. Turns out she was the concierge and helped Ashley plan her dates during what appeared to be monsoon season in Fuck It.

Greek Groban and the Manny Pacquiao Boat Captain

After Pacquiao cancels the boat outing for Ashley and Greek Groban, this is what happened next:

Ok, full disclosure, Dugan couldn't pay attention to the discussions between Greek Groban and Ashley as it bored me to tears. I actually read this article, seriously, on the status of local drought conditions. The only redeeming part of the date is the very practical and wise advice received from this guy:

 When asked for the secret to his long marriage, Long Duck Dong told them to forgive and forget and not to try and win in the relationship. Please be aware that no platitudes offered by Fleiss & Co. will match this advice for this or any season of the show. Despite my boredom, Greek Groban thought the day was fun and Ashley said, "today was perfect." A late night ocean romp secures the Rose and you could say Greek Groban raised Ashley up.

Group Date brings a Tsunami of Help to Thailand

The rest of the men (Winemaker Ben, Cupcake, the only Dentist on the show, Mickey, Adam West, LL Ben, Nick, Lucas Oil, Cell Phone Bill and Solar Ryan try to make the world a better place sprucing up an orphanage in Thailand. The men did a great job painting and supplying the kids with much needed lacrosse nets. Solar Ryan is becoming the Vienna of this season - the frontrunner that is wearing on everyone's patience. Ashley is concerned that the guys are paying too much attention to their service work and not enough to her. This truly highlights her amazing lack of depth and self-esteem. Winemaker Ben draws a mural of an elephant and secures the rose. 

El Douche and the Dental Student

Ames starts the date with a long distance jog after Ashley waves - showing the producers are putting in the time with him. I wanted to dislike El Douche but this date rehabilitated him in Dugan's eyes. And El Douche (sorry, but the nickname stays) had the always important Dugan Quote of the night. Standing on the front of the boat, Ashley offered, "I feel like we're on the Titanic." Ames quickly responded, "Let's hope not." ZINGGGGGGGGG. Moonwalk. Moonwalk. Moonwalk. See below for Ashley's dream and Ames' nightmare.

Ames led a very cool kayaking trip and continued to rehab his image for this WWT writer. I think I was falling for Ames by the end of the date. Ashley was similarly convinced and offered Ames the rose.

Rose Ceremony Bullet Points

  • West shows up for some one-on-one time late in the episode and Ashley fears she can't replace his deceased wife. Ouch - how do you answer that one? 
  • Lucas Oil reveals he was previously married . . . to a woman!
  • Solar Ryan as Vienna continues, and the only Dentist on the show tells him to his face
  • Solar Ryan explains that he is always happy because our soldiers are overseas taking mortar shots. Solar Ryan will now be renamed Non Sequitor Ryan.
  • Solar Ryan is not too happy, he's "bursting with a lot of love in his chest." Ok, sweet. Makes perfect sense.
  • Greek Groban, Winemaker Ben and El Douche are safe.
  • Harrison and Ashley discuss the need for an extra rose as she has only one sure-fire exit worthy man.
  • And the roses go to . . .
    • Lucas Oil, Solar Ryan, Cupcake, Nick, Mickey, Dentist, Cell Phone Bill and LL Ben.
  • In Ashley's final ruling, West was dismissed with prejudice.


  1. Great recap! I think t was wise of Ashley to get rid of West before she also has an accident in a bathtub. I also began to like El Douche in the last couple episodes but think solar Ryan still is the front runner. Greek Groban, I just love this comparison even if I'm not his biggest fan. I hope the real Josh Groban is seen this season to really confuse Ashley. I didn't think we could have a more insecure Bachelorette and then they have Ashley. I think it will continue to make for a train wreck and of course the most dramatic season ever.
    Phuket?? Really abc?? Do they know that they don't need to make the jokes that easy for WWT writers?

  2. Recap...stellar.

    I was also big fan of the Thai concierge lady that was helping Ashley plan her dates for her time in Pfukit. She seemed like she really wanted to help, but was kind of baffled by the woman in the weird cut-off shirt, high heels, and booty shorts. I still can't get over how Fleiss and Co. are trying to force her sexiness on us.

    My favorite part of this episode (and likely this season) was Ashley saying how much Bentley was the one, how perfect he was, how genuine he was, and how he was going to get the final rose. She is going to have so much egg on her face by the time this is over.

    It is kind of weird how happy Solar Vienna is. That takes an interesting thought process to justify one's happiness by comparing your life to the life of the troops. It seems a little cheap, but I think Solar Vienna actually believes it. His cheeriness is doing him no favors. When they do Muy Thai boxing next week, the guys could be gunning for him.

    El Douche seems like he's on another level than Ashley. Their conversation was pained. I love the Titanic picture. Do you think Ashley knew that the Titanic sank before she saw the movie?

    Ashley requested an extra rose for the night. Chris B. Harrison said she can do whatever she wants. Is that accurate? Can she say that she wants to do all of the dates in Buffalo? Can she demand that the next group date is miniature golfing in honor of Bentley? I think Harrison may want to take it easy with the promises.

    I'm glad West is gone. He made me nervous for obvious reasons.

    I agree that Greek Groban is really boring, but so is Ashley so maybe it will work.

  3. So, of course, watching this show always evokes a deep emotional response and I begin to ponder philosophical questions like, "why do the girls always shoot soap operas and the guys do community service?" or, "do guys ever say 'if that guy is her type then clearly it's not meant to be'?"

    Losing a lot of sleep over these questions. Going to watch the rest of the season just waiting to see if question 2 holds true ...

    Love you guys!

  4. "Lol" is used too often. But it happened when I read "Solar Vienna."


  5. Great, great recap Dugan. I have to admit that El Douche really grew on me during this episode as well. I was so committed to hating him but he pulled out some zingers that got me thinking. (However, I am a bit concerned that he came to Thailand twice before - both times alone?? Hmmm...)

    I, too, was rattled that Fleiss & Co. have removed the soap opera/everyone-gets-a-chance-to-make-out episode for Ashley. Maybe they thought she couldn't handle it? Let's be honest, this girl can't handle much as evidenced from the community service date where she actually complained about the guys paying attention to ORPHANS. Seriously?!

    And what about this "there are no rules" malarkey Chris Harrison is spewing? Tim is absolutely right. Give us fans a little more respect Harrison. There are some serious rules here and you are getting walked all over. An extra rose? WTF?

    And now my biggest question of the episode - did anyone else notice that during the evening portion of Ashley and Greek Groban's date on the beach, Greek Groban was sporting socks? As a native Floridian, this had me really spooked. In my opinion, a guy who wears socks on the beach = dealbreaker.
