Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Bachelorette Episode 6: Bentley's Revenge

Before we dive right into the Bentley drama, a few WWT notes:
  • Dugan thanks you for your patience with the late recap
  • Dugan did not get around to watching last week's episode, but I think a week off was good for the soul
  • In the words of twitter, lehhhh go.
  • This blog is heavy on youtube videos this week 

Return of the Mack

Bentley is still weighing on Ashley's mind as the episode opens. Harrison knows he has to do something to move Ashley and this season along as the Dental student explains, "part of my heart is still with Bentley in the United States."

Only Bentley isn't in the United States, Fleiss & Co. have flown the Mack to the Conrad Hotel* in Hong Kong for some closure with Ashley. Ashley explains her feelings linger because Bentley ended things with "dot...dot...dot..." 

*Which one of these is not like the other?  I'm looking at you, Hoosier State.

Harrison needs to put an end to the roadblock that is Bentley.

If you grew up in the 80's, I hope you feel where Dugan is going with this. But Ashley's reaction when hearing Bentley was in the hotel was AWESOME. Ashley needed a moment. The Dental Student put her hand to her chest. She was literally verklempt.

Harrison hands Ashley a card with Bentley's room number on it . . . 4315. Ashley stares at the card and longingly in the distance as if hearkening back to another 80's tradition: the training montage.

I promise this is my last 80's comment of the blog this week, but is Ashley wearing shoulder pads? Ashley doesn't know where to begin and it's getting awkward to watch. Ashley says something about the dot...dot...dot. Then, she says that Bentley should be a man and give her a period. What??? I am way confused. Despite Dugan's confusion, Ashley gets her period.

Lucas Oil's One on One

Lucas begins the date admitting he's never been to New York, doesn't travel much and likes to fish. *Dugan's thinking this looks like a one-on-one date with no rose in its future. After enjoying the neon and street food, Lucas Oil and the Dentist go sailing

Lucas offers up the Dugan "Quote of the Night" in response to Ashley's poignant question whether she is the type of girl he regularly dates: "NO! You're confidant." These little, hysterical revelations are what keeps Dugan coming back for more Fleiss & Co. Don't worry, Lucas Oil drops some more gems and his unintentional comedy should garner him some more one on one time.

When asked to accept the rose, the country bumpkin blurted, "Yes ma’am, I will.” He could have said "golly gee willikers" for all I care. Next, Lucas commits a fatal flaw asking for a kiss, then following it with "do you mind." *Dugan doesn't often offer love advice, but asking for the kiss is 6th grade material.* However, Lucas Oil strikes black gold and gets the rose.

Bare Midriff Boat Racing  

It's no Fisher Hall Regatta but the Group Date is split into three groups with Greek Groban and the Winemaker taking on The Only Dentist on the Show and Solar Vienna taking on El Douche and Chef Mickey. The Bachelorette turns Amazing Race as the men must also roam Hong Kong for volunteers to join their dragon boats. While generally uninteresting, I did enjoy Winemaker Ben and Greek Groban recruiting women and admitting while losing that they are "getting smoked . . . like salmon." El Douhe and Mickey win the race. El Douche and Winemaker snag some face time and kissy face at the After Party while Solar Vienna is "easy to get along with . . . in small doses." While Solar Vienna's cheeseball antics are grinding on the rest of the guys, Greek Groban puts it simply: “Some people like cheese in a can.”

Cupcake's Zodiac Park Dinner

Nothing to see here, this date sounds totally normal. Ashley clearly likes Cupcake and feels compelled to come clean with the Return of the Mack (see above). Cupcake understands, secures a rose, and appears a lock to be in the finale.

Cocktail Party Time

Do you know when you rehearse something in your head and once you say it, it comes out totally different than what you planned/hoped/rehearsed? See the Cocktail Party from Episode 6 for a prime example. Ashley was so excited to tell all the guys about how she is finally over Bentley and ready to move forward with them. However, her grand plan went something like this:

 The guys feel jilted. Greek Groban, Lucas Oil and the Dentist are visibly and audibly upset. Ashley learns that honesty is not the best policy when on a dating reality show. Luckily, Solar Vienna and Cupcake have the Dental Student’s back. Lucas Oil puts it pretty bluntly: "She's wasting my fucking time.” Ok then. Mickey, however, is a man of action and not just talk. Chef Mickey leaves the show and crying Ashley needs to sit down with Harrison.
    Rose Ceremony

    Lucas Oil, Solar Vienna and Cupcake are safe.

    3 roses for four men.

    Winemaker Ben
    Greek Groban
    El Douche dismisses the Dentist for “the final rose tonight.”

    Time to tie one on in Taiwan. Boom. Wags is up.


    1. No comment on the upcoming shows? I believe, as I tweeted to Chris B. Harrison, that this really is going to be the most dramatic season ever. Hahaha. Unfortunately, he did not tweet me back, but he did tweet that we have not seen the last of the real dentist, Blake. Blake doesn't do it for me or Ashley so I'm not sure why he is coming back. How come when people leave or are not given a rose this does not mean they are done with the show? I also like that there appears to be drama on the last episode which I always love. I fell asleep during the end of the group date and all through Cupcake's date. I wish that Lucas oil would have left but there's always next week for that. Also, there's an interview with brad and Emily on 7/11. Harrison promises it is not like the awkward Jake/Vienna interview.

    2. Nsync Video, driving scene, JC driving, Lance Bass shotgun, his head disappears more than once? am I right??

    3. Dugan, your post was well-worth the wait. I would wait at least 36 hours for one of our posts. After that, I'm not so sure.

      I wonder why the Conrad Hotel decided to open up shop in Indianapolis? It seems like the Conrad Hotel attempts to be in cities with international appeal. Maybe I have a west coast bias, but I've never really considered Indianapolis in that category. This requires further research.

      I, too, am glad that Ashley got her period...with Bentley...in Indianapolis.

      Lucas Oil delivered some great lines with Ashley, but I was a bigger fan of Ashley's line when she and Oil arrived at the outdoor market. "Lucas, this is an outdoor market, you can buy things here." Yes, Dental Student, that is the definition of a market. Hey Ashley, here is a fork and a knife, you can eat food with them.

      I liked the post-boat race moment on the beach when some other couple got engaged with friends and family around to celebrate with them. Ashley and the guys looked over at them longingly. Seeing a real engagement had to have the guys thinking about how weird their own situation is. I felt uncomfortable for them.

      Solar Vienna seems to have some Jake Pavelka tendencies. He doesn't seem to understand why these other guys don't like him when he's just being himself. It seems like Fleiss & Co. is doing everything it can to make him seem awkward. When Solar kissed the Dental Student's hand during the cocktail party, it showed that he's trying way too hard.

      Ashley proved once again that she has no common sense. Telling the truth is appropriate, but there were a thousand other ways she could have broken the Bentley news. Instead, she basically told them that they were all a distant second to Bentley. Bravo to Chef Mickey for leaving.

      I agree with Mrs. Dugan that the finale should be great because Ashley has issues and there appears to be major drama on the way. Stay tuned to our blog and Chris B. Harrison's twitter feed to find out more.

    4. Wow. Never been so glad in my life that some girl got her period. Well, actually I think I was pretty into it when Judy Blume wrote about it. Right, Margaret?

      God, are you reading this blog? It's me, Liz ... Anyway, better Ashley than me. That stuff is the worst.

      If I've totally lost you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Are_You_There_God%3F_It's_Me,_Margaret.

      Mrs. D, agreed, this show has completely devalued The Rose. It used to mean something ...but now anyone can Not get a rose or reject a rose and decide they want ABC to fly them back out to the next coolest location. (How do we get ourselves on this? I'll reject a rose any day.)

      Glad we're getting down to the final few guys. Because now I can sort of fool myself that this stuff actually matters. (Or am I fooling myself that it doesn't? Depends who I'm talking to, right?)

    5. Honest question to my commenters, how difficult would this show be without the blog? I don't think I could watch the show without looking forward to writing/reading the blog.

      I would be exasperated by the show. Instead, I get to laugh and think about how funny it will be to write about. Thank you to the founders of WWT, Wags and Lizkarwags, for bringing great meaning to a reality dating show.
