Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Bachelorette Episode 3: Andi makes them Sing

We find out that this week's dates will be taking place in Santa Barbara with only 16 guys left. After next week, we might be able to get past the "who's that, again?" portion of the show.

Hans and Andi ride off into the Sunset

Hans gets the first one-on-one in Santa Barbara. (Frozen Spoiler Alert) For those at home without a 4 year old daughter, the character Hans in Frozen comes from a large family and needs to seek a kingdon of his own, pretends to be a good guy, woos and gets engaged to Princess Anna, eventually locks up Queen Elsa and attemps to kill her before Anna saves her sister - the true act of love needed to thaw her frozen heart. I CANNOT wait for Hans to turn from good guy to villian because I KNOW it will happen.

Some of the guys even hinted at the skeptic Hans. Hans is slow playing Andi in a fairly obvious attempt to be the next Bachelor. This is something we blog about every year on the Bachelorette. A good portion of the guys have to be on the show just to up their chances of being the Bachelor.

They have one of those Bachelor “normal day” – biking & hiking with chardonnay. The truly best part of this date was Hans' dinner wardrobe choice. An Members only jacket with the collar popped. Better villian in a members only jacket - Hans or Ahmadinejad? Regardless, Hans secures the rose.

Bachelorz II Men 

The Group date included Coach, Famous Amos, Albino Rhino, Tacos, Paul Mitchell, Ron Carew, Opera Man, Josh, Eric, Frat Bro 1 and 2 and Gosling.

Some of the guys are concerned about \Opera Man singing domination. All the guys were pretty excited about singing with Boys II Men with Eric dropping the quote of the night in discussing his favorite BIIM memory. They helmed him “touch my first butt in the 7th grade.”

There are only three Boys II Men? Yes.

Other highlights

  • All the guys were predictably pretty terrible and Boyz II Men were surprisingly charming. I vote to end this season of the Bachelorette with Andi and Josh getting together and Fleiss & Co pick up a reality series with Boyz II Men instead?
  • Coach dropped an interesting "girl of my dreams” during an interview and we have to put him in a "Watch" category for nearing "guard and protect her heart" territory.
  • Loved seeing Frat Bro 1 and 2 hanging out
  • Opera Man and Tacos had a scream-off
  • First time we noticed Andi drunk.
  • Josh gets the rose.

Dockers and Andi in Bad Grandpa

I don't need to photoshop this picture as Fleiss & Co. ripped off Johnny Knoxville for the Dockers and Andi one-on-one. Some old-face make up probably distracted viewers but Dugan isn't forgetting those pants you wore, Dockers.  He also brought an interesting pants game to the rose ceremony and IMHO, his outfits call for far too much attention.

The makeup artists brought their A game making Dockers look like a creepy, old dude. Andy got a grey wig and a blazer. Dockers did secure the rose on this date:

Rose Ceremony

Ron Carew's gone and Hans, Josh and Dockers are safe.

  • Hans' flowers break up some Andi/Eric time
  • Frat Bro 1 gets in trouble for being a frat bro. He got a hostess' number and bragged about it. Why? Because he's a frat bro. Dockers not happy about it.

Who else will be moving on to next week in Connecticut?

  • Gosling.
  • Coach
  • Famous Amos
  • Tacos
  • Albino Rhino
  • Frat Bro 2
  • John Deere
  • Eric
  • Dylan
  • Frat Bro 1

Goodbye Paul Mitchell and Opera Man. For those younger people who know Adam Sandler from movies like Blended, google yourself some Opera Man when he was young and talented.

1 comment:

  1. So I asked Mrs. Wags if we could rent Frozen on Saturday night so I could fully understand the Hans reference. She said no. I also basically force her to watch the Bachelor/ette. This doesn't feel like a typical mid-life crisis, but there is definitely something going on here that might need a diagnosis.

    Re: Hans's date, great point on the "average" date. But how funny was it that they appeared to hike a decent distance, all while holding crystal, stemless glasses of chardonnay. A water bottle might be a better choice.

    Also, Mrs. Wags lost her mind last night with the way that Andi holds her wine glasses. Take a look next episode (tonight), and you'll notice that Andi grips the bowl of the wine glass with her entire hand, effectively unchilling her chardonnay in a matter of minutes. This method might get her thrown out of the Napa Valley dates.

    That's really sad that the deep voice guy from Boyz II Men is gone.

    If I had to sing with BIIM, give me Motownphilly please!

    This season has so much more Harrison. And I like it.

    My dog literally started barking as thought there was an intruder in our house when the Albino Rhino started singing.

    Looking forward to the end of this 4 HOUR BACHELORETTE EVENT tonight.
