It all started out with Vienna's mysterious date with Jake. Was she going to fight forest fires in that helicopter? Was she go to go heli-snowboarding and drop into some wild backcountry? With Jake, anything is possible on the helicopter blades of love. Instead, Vienna and Jake got to take a helicopter to bungee jump. Not surprisingly, Jake was scared of heights and had to hold on to Vienna. The Jaker shed that motorcycle image pretty quickly. After this all-to-typical Bachelor date, I continue to think that Jake has no guy friends and only drinks wine coolers.
The group date was next and featured multiple Bachelor cliches. First, if you want to win the Bachelor's heart, you better be able to do some performance art. If you're shy and scared, but have the guts to get up there and perform, you will do even better (see: Ashleigh). By the way, did you know Jon Lovitz starred in Little Nicky? I'll bet he would have preferred to only the guy from SNL.
The group date continued with ANOTHER Bachelor tradition: the snitch. Every season of this show has at least one snitch who reveals which girl is hated by the others. Because they see the real side of the girl in the house. Vienna is the unlucky victim of the others' anger. It seems a bit unclear why the other girls dislike her so much. She seems as equally annoying as the other girls. ABC has kind of made her out to be the victim. This leads me to believe that the rumors that Vienna might win the whole thing could be true.
Crazy Michelle had another freak out session on the group date that proved to be her last. As we were watching, Liz commented that Jake "finally grew a pair" and kicked Michelle to the curb. After the weird kiss from Michelle and her threat to pack her bags, Jake clearly made the right decision. Though Jake is a total DB, he did become more likeable in the second half of this episode.
The last one-on-one date went to the Mom, Ella. Jake had a huge surprise for her of flying out her son for the date. Too bad it wasn't a surprise for the audience or Ella herself. We saw this one coming from two episodes away. There is no chance in hell she wins so I'm not spending any time discussing it.
The end was great. Elizabeth played the no kissing game and lost for it. I hate to admit it, but I actually liked Jake at the end for his decisions. Although there is no way he keeps it up.
I think when the SportsGal starts losing interest in the Bachelor you have a problem(see twitter).
ReplyDeleteWe've gone over how Jake has raised the bar on low-self esteem bachelor/bachelorettes, but I think this episode puts Jake in the lead for neediest bachelor (I would need the show's historians (ie. this blog's contribution team) to come up with the complete list)
Jake's needs this episode:
1) Jake needs Vienna to comfort him through the bungee jump
2) Jake needs Vienna to tell him to drink after cheers
3) Jake needs John Lovitz to be funny for him
4) Jake needs Michelle to be logical, and rational and not be over emotional or dramatic
5) Jake needs Ella to tell him what its like to be a mother
6) Jake needs Elizabeth to show him every color of the rainbow
Michelle, girl #2 to opt out - the over's are looking STRONG on this bet
Oh and if you haven't noticed Tenley is a porn star (showed some of her moves on stage at the comedy club)... her real name is Katie Morgan, google that, but not at work
It was a very entertaining episode that took me two days to watch because Tivo was on the fritz. I admit I was surprised to see Elizabeth Spelling get the boot when she finally put on an outfit that did not shame her surgeon. E.S. admitted in the second episode that she was playing games with Jake. Jake, surprisingly, called her out for it and she didn't like it at all. The person guilty of the accusation always acts indignant, not surprised. Elizabeth = guilty = sleeps with no rose. Valisha got the boot after a pretty revealing dress during the rose ceremony, then tried to give us a sad story how nothing ever works out for her. So, you are trying to get the audience to give you pity for your failure to find love on a game show? I honestly love these people.
ReplyDeleteVienna is showing some true talent. I thought she would be forgettable but her flop into the pool on the one-on-one was Mrs. Dugan and my favorite part of the episode. Most bachelorettes try to enter the pool all sly and sexy - Vienna jumped in like a frat guy at a belly flop contest in Cancun. We watched it over and over - to the point I think I broke Tivo.
I am beginning to like the gaggle of women in the house. There repeated offerings of "if he likes Vienna, I should just go home now" really had me falling for their intellect as well as cocktail attire. Some part of me wanted them all to walk when she came back with a rose and the rest of the season would the deepening love story of Jake and Vienna - two people perfect for each other.
Group date was a bachelor staple - have the girls perform for Jake in public. What I really want to know was what Senior Citizen home did ABC drag that audience from? Did they pull up a bus to local cemeteries and penny slots and promise a free lunch?
In my season predictions, I called for many things but one I remember was Rose Drama. On the previews for next week, you see Jake throwing roses into a pit of fire. I'll just count that now.
Mikey, Tenley as Katie Morgan is hysterical.