As we were leaving the gym, we looked to our right and saw this week's Bachelor dropout and San Francisco resident, Ali!
It's always interesting when you see celebrities in person and you realize how normal they are. Liz pointed out that she looks like every other girl in our neighborhood. Liz also said she wasn't even the prettiest girl in the gym. In the spirit of Valentine's Day and true love, I told Liz that she was the prettiest girl in the gym.
For those of you who are curious, Liz and I thought she seemed a little taller than expected. She was probably about 5'8". She also wasn't ano-thin, which was nice to see. I guess in HD, the TV neither adds nor subtracts 10 pounds.
What an exciting past couple nights! Ali from the Bachelor and Evil Clare on Lost.

This is exciting stuff...look for more exciting tv news in an upcoming post.
ReplyDelete1) No interview??
2) No picture??
3) No "i got a friend in the south bay?
4) No "do you know Corrie's #?
5) No "Which one of these 5 guys is best looking"?
6) No "Ali give me your best floor cry" ??
NOTHING !?!?! I'm pretty disappointed - looks like I'll have to stake out the marina and do this blog the justice it deserves...
I always follow Bill Simmons advice and leave celebrities alone. I would have considered taking a candid photo, but I don't bring a camera to the gym. Do you bring a camera to the gym?
ReplyDeleteBill Simmons lives in LA where real celebs live and even in LA, celebs like to be noticed by other celebs. Since Ali was on a reality show (basically the most blatant and effective 'give me attention' move in the history of time) I say the LA-rules don't apply... none the less I will tweet him the question. And yes, you should have had a camera on you... Check out my facebook photos from any of the races I have up (Northface 50K, US 1/2) Phone and camera are in hand... also check out my vineman blog, the one time I forgot my camera on a bike ride one of the guys in the group got pulled over by a motorcycle cop... not having a camera there was almost as disastrous of a situation.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing ... she's CLEARLY not the winner if she's hanging out in the Marina and not sequestered with Jake somewhere. We can cross the Ed/Jillian storyline off the list. AND, she MUST be the next Bachelorette if she's investing so much time and money on personal training at the gym. (Ok, that's two things)
ReplyDeleteShe was with a personal trainer? I wonder if we can find out of Mark Burnett Productions is paying for it? Is this the gym you guys have always gone to?
ReplyDeleteThis is the third season in a row someone has come back in some sort of dramatic "teaser" kind of way(and btw those seasons account for 100% of my Bachelor(ette)knowelege - excpet for Firestone season). Is this a show staple like bungee jumping and 'running hellos'? and we're all pretty much in agreement that this phone call Jake is going to get from Ali is going to play out like Deanna comming back to talk to Jason... Good for teaser commericials but super awkward "I'm not really sure what the point of that conversation was"...
I think the call is a last ditch effort to throw Vienna under the bus and convince him to choose Katie.
ReplyDeleteahh, she pulls a jake on jake, i like it, maybe she'll conf. in crazy eyes to play the Tanner P roll... Most underrated line of the last episode... in the conversation about if Ali was going to stay or go... Jake goes, "At least you have a job" ha! that was great