Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bachelor Men Tell All: "What a Dramatic Journey It's Been"

Those were the words Chris Harrison began the men tell all...and probably every "Tell All" episode in Bachelor/ette history. Chris leads us down memory lane with Ali discussing Rated R, Kasey's desire to "guard and protect" her heart, Kirk's exit and Frank's betrayal. There were some major issues preventing the Men Tell All from what it could be.

1. No Frank.
2. No Rated R.
3. No Craig M.

So three main characters were not there and ABC is not going to let Casual Michael Phelps carry two hours of programming.  It led to a lot of Droopy Dog talk. Wait wait wait...no Frank??? Exactly. Long time fans know what's coming next.

Next week's epidode is sure to include a Frank sighting ala Reid in Jillian's season. Or did Frank's girlfriend finally put her foot down and end this nonsense.  

Dugan's favorite part of the episode were the shots taken at Crazy Kasey. Kasey is given the job of WWT's future intern and asked how many times "guard and protect your heart" was said.  "A Couple Hundred," was thrown out there as a plausible answer.

The Bachelor/ette Wo/Men Tell All has also become a concert series. Kasey took the opportunity to belt out a "Kasey song." Please let this guy start his own show with the freaks from American Idol.

Ali's reaction to the singing: "Yeah, it was so awkward."
Ali's reaction to the tatoo: "I felt bad.  I felt bad for him"
Ali's reaction to the Night at the Museum date: "I was trying to call you (Harrison) for help"

It turns out this show has already been on tv.

Other nuggets before we get excited for next week's finale:

  • Kirk's scrapbooking kept him longer than he would have.
  • Unseen Moments from the show
    • Roberto's attempt at popping a cork in Ali's face.
    • Frank's dad gives a rambling toast
    • Chris N as "The Phantom"
    • Roberto in Portugal was apparrantly played by Ace Ventura (pictured below)

Enter The Men.

And they continue the Kasey Pile on.

Kirk: “he was in love with Ali before he met her.”
Ty: “this kid’s freaking crazy.” and "This guy is a looney tune."
Droopy Dog: “this kid is fucking nuts.”

Speaking of...

Kasey's response to all these attacks: "I was myself."  He doesn't get that his self is crazy.  Some part (ok a large part) of Dugan wants Kasey and the Phantom, aka the Riddler, aka the Orlando Entreprenuer/Entertainer to become superheroes that go around saving Reality Starlettes from the Frank and Rated R's of Reality TV world.

Kirk's time to shine...oh wait, no. His time to continue talking about his sickness.

Kirk's illness defines him. And from now on, that bad sickness that everyone gets in college - whether it be a cold like Kirk, mono, or even herpes...the worst sickness you get while in college shall forever be called "Kirk's disease." Luckily, Ali cured Kirk from Kirk's and he can love again.

Jessie returns from wherever former contestants are held.

Jessie is on the show to explain how she outed fame whore Justin. Jessie, who is the former "Miss Molson Indy Toronto Sports Model Competition Toronto Sun Sunshine Girl" came on her 2nd of 3 reality shows (upcoming Bachelor Pad being the 3rd) to complain about Rated R dating multiple women at home. As Dugan's mother in law pointed out when Frank had a girlfriend back home....ALI HAD TWO OTHER BOYFRIENDS AT THE TIME.  And when Rated R got outed, Ali had a gaggle of men she was dating.  

Jessie's time on the show had a tiger/elin sleaze to it.  Multiple women, facebooks, voicemails, texts.  I needed a shower after this segment.

Some closing thoughts.

Going into next week, we have Roberto and Chris Landscaper.  Mrs. Dugan picked Chris L. to win and Roberto as next Bachelor long ago.  I blogged about a possible Brad Womack ending to the season.  We know one thing. Roberto is the favorite; thus, will not win.  Will Ali pick the life of a perfectly manicured lawn or move to Austin and continue bar hopping with Brad?

Oh, and the Bachelor Pad is going to be awesome.


  1. "My friend, you've been kicked in the nuts."

    I think watching those two videos is going to have the same subconscious effect on me that Grand Theft Auto does. But instead of wanting to throw people out of cars and steal fire trucks, I will have that little twinge of wanting to kick people in the nuts when I walk past them.

    Nice call on the missing-Frank/missing-Reid comparison. I thought the exact same thing. It really seemed like Reid had a shot with Jillian though, whereas Frank has NO chance with Ali if he crawls back to her. Frank will look nearly as pitiful as Kasey.

    "Being there for the right reasons" has really become the overarching theme of this show. All of the bachelors on the show last night kept discussing how Kasey is a whack-a-doodle (see above quotes from Dugan), but they kept saying he's an okay guy because he was there for the right reasons. Self-promoting is the ultimate sin (rated r, wes). At the same time, it seems like the show features a lot of people who have greatly benefited from their exposure on the show. I'm sure Droopy Dog's law firm doesn't mind the publicity:


    Travelling salesmen, weathermen, landscapers. All have much to gain for the wrong reasons.

    I am also looking forward to the Bachelor Pad. Looks like we are going to have the Bachelor on 'roids. More home runs (alcohol), more RBI (fighting), less no hitters (inhibition), and more hall of famers (Chris Harrison).

  2. Will the Bachelor Pad ruin the Bachelor?

    Off topic - I noticed Craig R. works with Clint Eastwood which is pretty cool.


  3. Whoa. That guy does look like Clint Eastwood.

    Also, did you notice that the R. of Craig R. is Robinson. He has the same name as Darryl from the Office and host of Last Comic Standing and comedian that Mikeysmalz, Liz, and I saw together in SF. Though this is a tenuous connection to the Bachelorette, I still count it.

    As we've discussed before, I think the Bachelor Pad, if full of drama, could destroy the regular Bachelor. Also, if the Bachelor Pad produces long-term relationship success, the regular Bachelor could be in big trouble.

    Also, I really hope that we get a new Bachelor in here soon rather than just relying on this family tree of rejects from Brad's season.

    Brad rejects Deanna (and the other lady)
    Deanna rejects Jason
    Jason rejects Jillian
    Jillian rejects Jake
    Jake rejects Ali (or vice versa depending on how you look at it)

    I'm read for a change of pace. Any idea who it should be?

  4. Is it really appropriate for somelike like Craig, who currently serves on the board of the Mental Health Association of the Capital Region, a resource for mental health that educates and advocates for individuals, families and the community, to call someone bat-shit crazy on TV? I say no, unless this how he dispenses education and advacates to the community.

    Tim, thanks for the genisis of rejection. It puts the self conciousness of each season's star in perspective. These people all come from a long line of not being wanted. I agree that a change of pace would be great, which means we're going to get more rejection and self consciousness, right?? that mean's there's only one real bachelor out of this group: Kirk

    Although with the amount of face time Droopy Dog got at the MTA, you have to assume Flies and Co are giving him consideration should Craig Robinson learn how to jog. Bachelorettes, get ready to take your panties off... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQGp1QfQWvY

  5. Or if Wags ever gets Mikeysmalz Tank Bachelor profile...ABC may finally get the Bachelor they need.
