Let’s get to the rather tame episode, friends.
5 Men Left: Chris L. Roberto, Frank, Kirk, Ty
Roberto’s Castle Date
I assume ABC has blown the show’s budget as they hand Ali and Roberto a digital camera and tell them to have fun on their date. Pictures, dancing in the street, and a picnic at a castle follow. We do learn that Roberto is a Latino Gringo with his lack of knowledge of even the names of the meals his mother cooks him. That’s 4 star gringo action for you. And Dugan understands as a Latino Gringo himself. Ali is still buying what Roberto’s selling and no one would be surprised by a rose at the end of the episode.
Frank & Ty’s Castle Date

Ali has a lot on her mind and two-on-ones this late in a season are very awkward which makes for good viewing. Ali eventually breaks it up and Ty defends his antediluvian views and hypes a potential visit to his parents and their traditional but friendly values.
Frank and Ali are significantly more affectionate during their alone time and Frank gets past the uncomfortable fact that he lives with his parents. Ali is pretty drunk at this point and doesn't care what Frank has to say. To test her, Frank unleashes the quote of the night: “let’s live in a tree like a couple of monkeys.” This sounds like a viable plan for someone living with their parents. Yes, I know this know dooms me to live with my parents in the near future.
Kirk’s Castle Date
Holy shit, Portugal is filled with Castles.
Kirk is confused by “Once Upon a Time“ on the date card. Landscaper has to explain the fairy tale reference as dumbfounded Kirk complains, “that’s not even a sentence.” Horse Drawn carriage, castle and dinner follow. Ali seems distance for the second date in a row and the Dugans openly contemplate a Brad Womack ending?
Chris L. in Very Easy Rider
The Landscaper is dangerously close to the friend zone and Ali is demanding some movement on their relationship. Chris L wrestles the quote of the night away from Frank as they head out on a scooter:
“you better hold on…because I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing”
The scooter analogy for their relationship is hilarious and I wish I know Ali wasn’t fed the line from a producer. Ali takes over the wheel and they get to their date at a winery. Dugan’s cell phone blows up asking if the Bachelor/ette is sponsored by the Food & Wine Industry. There are copious amounts of alcohol consumed on this show. Perhaps ABC is one and the same as ABC Liquor. Ali asks if the landscaper’s crew are big wine drinkers? Yes, and that’s enough for me to believe a hometown is secured.
Rose Ceremony
No tie plus jeans as Chris L. continues the shout-outs to Casual Michael Phelps. Poor Roberto still cannot find the top button on his shirts. And the reduced budget has eliminated the swinging parties on the nights of elimination.
And the roses go to:
1. Chris L.
2. Frank
3. Roberto
4. Kirk
Ty goes home. (yes, we checked the tapes. 6/28’s previous episode spliced footage of Ty from one of the early episodes to make it seem like he gets further. Don’t underestimate the sneakiness)
Chris Harrison: Special Bachelor Update
For the faithful readers of the blog, you may recall that Dugan went great lengths to originally peg Jake during Jillian’s season as a Patrick Batemanesque character. There was just something that wasn’t right about this guy. Then he returns as the Bachelor and picks fundamentally flawed Vienna. Who would have guessed those two cute kids wouldn’t make it?
Oh, everyone? Really? Damn. Well, who would have guessed that Vienna would come out looking like a rose in comparison to Jake. Well, considering that I originally compared Jake to one of the most psychopathic characters ever created, I’ll raise my hand.
Vienna’s accusations have their own technical flaws: Claiming emotional abuse as well as no emotion from Jake. But let’s not go there. Let’s just show a clip from the movie role that Jake missed out on.
ABC has to regret this Jake decision. Or not.
I’ll leave you with this: Jake and Vienna’s arguments about GPS directions, measuring furniture and canine potty training are the lowest point in the history of broadcast television.
Congratulations on seeing the low point.
While doing more bachelorette research with reputable sources (Star, In Touch, and OK) it seems as though a Womack ending is a possibility, saying that Ali already has a guy that she has seen before and after taping. I still pick Chris L to win and Roberto to be the next Bachelor. I thought it was great that Chris L. said “I can’t be the guy who kills the bachelorette” to explain why he goes 15mph on the bike. As we watched the rest of the date, we didn’t think talking about the death of his mother is the best way for them to get in the mood. Hopefully things progress in the Cape.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to the best line of the season in one of the next episodes “Even a place this beautiful isn’t beautiful when I’m so sad”. Love it! As for the new Bachelor game, I think this game was designed for girls like Crazy Eyes. One of the lines promoting it talks about how you can have those adventurous dates and hot tub scenes. Now you too can go in the hot tub with Andy Baldwin, the officer and the gentleman!
Also, Star reports that Juan, cue the music, is gay (shocker!) and that he and Jake have spent time in a gay bar together. I think this is a great twist. Vienna almost seemed likeable last night and I was confident Jake was going to hurt someone. Great recap Dugan and I love giving out three smiling Chris Harrisons. Looking forward to some awkward hometown dates.
If you believe the rumors/stories Mrs Dugan references above, my prediction is this will be the last season for the Bachelor/ette. With the Jake & Vienna disaster, which I must say I'm really starting to like Vienna, and Jillian and Ed calling it quits, I just don't see ABC going forward with this format.