This is the other TV watcher signing on to blog today. (Can I be "TV gal"?) I know you are used to reading Tim's witty, silly and humorous observations on television's finest - while my contribution(s) have been limited to using this forum in a slightly different way. Hello, Soapbox.
Last night marked the beginning of the 5th season of a beautiful journey of remarkable dancers under 30 impressing us with their skill and creativity. I associate So You Think You Can Dance with warm summer evenings, exciting new choreography, talented young men and women and a judge who is wacky and warm as Paula Abdul only wishes she had the emotional control to be.
Something happened last might that will change this forever. You know that friend who can say anything totally outrageous and get away with it? And s/he always has the best one-liners. You know you're guaranteed a good time together. It's going to be great. Until that time when s/he makes a totally disgusting and outrageously offensive comment. You might try to laugh it off but it's a little uncomfortable this time. You get that feeling in your stomach like you might throw-up, you can't focus on the rest of the conversation around you and you're pretty sure you aren't smiling or laughing anymore. That's it. That's what happened to me last night when the judges remarked on two male ballroom dancer-hopefuls who tried out for the show. The audition was mediocre at best. There were some shaky moments, some technical issues and even a bad fall. When the performance concluded, the judges began to comment. The first comment I remember was, "This show isn't for you. You will alienate our viewers." Other comments included such backwards and antiquated ideas like "I couldn't tell which one is the female" and so on.
I hope you all are retching like I was. I know I haven't adequately described the experience, check out Perez' articulate depiction and opinion. Or, just google "So You Think You Can Dance Homophobia"
I guess the good news is ... none of you even watch the show anyway!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"I'm a catch. I just graduated law school and I'm an attorney-at-law."
Yes, ladies and gents, the Bachelorette is back! I never thought we would encounter such a wonderful mix of professions. We have nerds: attorney-at-law, financial advisor, IT consultant. We have blue collar: contractor, oil rig operator, trucking contractor. We have adventure: commercial pilot, photographer, Olympic cyclist. And we have a break-dance instructor! I can't wait to hear Jillian say, "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fall in love with a break-dance instructor."
A few observations:
1) Jillian takes certain expressions too far. Hot dog toppings. Looking for Mr. Invisible. I want to fall in love with my best friend.
2) The foot fetish guy is more likely to murder Jillian than win the final rose.
3) The attorney was great (see title of this post). I was sad to see him go. He left with humility and grace when he said, "Maybe she's just doesn't like awesome guys?" Maybe you're right.
4) 25 year old lifeguard? Don't you time out of that job at 19.
5) We placed a bet with a couple of our bachelorette-watching friends. Pick the best five out of the limo and we'll see who's "team" goes the furthest. Liz and I have Juan, Kiptyn, Wes, Jake, and Sasha. Erin and Eric have Juan, Kiptyn, Jesse, Mark, and Matthue.
Our inspirations for this blog, the Dugan, posed some interesting questions before the show aired last night. Most importantly, I should answer Dugan's most insightful question, "Will this be the most romantic season ever?" The answer is clearly...yes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Shot from Left Field
We watched Lost last night. It's hard to believe that it's the second to last episode of the season. The season really flew by.
I enjoyed last night's episode, but I realized that I find a certain dramatic situation very annoying and cliche. I can't stand it when character 1 has a gun pointed at character 2. Character 1 says, "I'm going to kill you on the count of 3. 1.....2......GUNSHOT!!!" But wait, the gunshot was not from character 1, but rather from CHARACTER 3. Character 3 obviously wasn't in the picture. Lost always seems to have this scenario. This week it was Sayid shot one of the Others who had a gun pointed at Kate. Two weeks ago, Eloise shot Faraday when he had a gun pointed at Richard. I'm tired of it.
Also, the CGI when the sub went underwater was horrible. Anyone else notice that?
On a less critical note, here are some of the celebrities that Liz and seen randomly:

I enjoyed last night's episode, but I realized that I find a certain dramatic situation very annoying and cliche. I can't stand it when character 1 has a gun pointed at character 2. Character 1 says, "I'm going to kill you on the count of 3. 1.....2......GUNSHOT!!!" But wait, the gunshot was not from character 1, but rather from CHARACTER 3. Character 3 obviously wasn't in the picture. Lost always seems to have this scenario. This week it was Sayid shot one of the Others who had a gun pointed at Kate. Two weeks ago, Eloise shot Faraday when he had a gun pointed at Richard. I'm tired of it.
Also, the CGI when the sub went underwater was horrible. Anyone else notice that?
On a less critical note, here are some of the celebrities that Liz and seen randomly:

Drinks on Thursday, May 21 at 8pm?
Sorry, I can't. I'll be watching the season premier of So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD, obvi) and you should be, too.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It's Britney, bitch. And I am back.
I'm back. With bells on. We had a great weekend in New York, but the most surprising part of our weekend was the very first "We Watch TV and Go to Movies" CELEBRITY sighting. As we were going through security, I noticed a nervous-looking, 6'4", 170 pound hipster. (No, it was not Tyra Banks).
In an effort to not be complete jerks, Liz and I restrained ourselves and did not say anything to him. BUT we did take a picture:

Does the guy reading the New York Times look familiar? Any guesses? Even though you may not be able see his sarcastic expression, that is Jim Halpert.
The experience of seeing a celebrity always makes me a little sad. Jim was not his normal funny self (Liz and I were our normal funny selves though...don't worry!). He seemed anxious that we would talk to him. Don't worry. We understand the "code."
The code did not stop me from thinking what I would have said to Jim. I settled on, "I really liked your work in Leatherheads." I'm guessing he would not have laughed.
Liz and I spent a good amount of time thinking about the celebrities we have seen in person (not at work, a book signing, or planned appearance).

So this begs the obvious question, what famous people have you seen in person? I would love to know. (I'm not counting athletes).
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