Individual Date #1 - Roberto
Before Roberto's date began, I noticed that many of the fellas were drinking beer. They weren't just drinking any beer. They were drinking bud light out of cans. Nothing says a first date with your potential future wife like canned beer at $12 a case. Apparently product placement has also been effected by the recession.
Roberto's date allowed him to have the protector role. Helicopters and heights are two of Ali's major fears, but Roberto's baseball player balance and smooth spanish allowed him to navigate his dangerous date to perfection. While relaxing on a blanket atop a skyscraper, Liz noted how embarrassing it is to cuddle on national television.
After this date, I still like Roberto quite a bit. He seems like the guy she should end up with. Unfortunately, I do not think it is meant to be since Ali learned the majority of her spanish in a rap song. I was hoping she was going to rap "you ain't nothing but a hoochie mama, hood rat, hood rat, hoochie mama," but alas, she only rapped about besos.
Back Home
Speaking of songs, back at the Bachelor pad, there was speculation that the group date was going to be karaoke. Kasey then announced to the producers that he really hopes to sing for Ali. What, what, whaaaat!? (Thank the good Lord that next week's preview showed that Kasey will actually week will amazing).
Group Date
Sadly, we will have to wait a week for singing. On the bright side of things, we got the Barenaked Ladies. If you remember that there used to be a heavy-set guy who also sang in their band, you'd be correct. I was really hoping this date would be a contest to which of the guys could sing all the words of the fast part of "One Week." YOU KNOW YOU REMEMBER IT. Here, I'll start it: "Chickity China the Chinese Chicken, you grab a drumstick and your brain starts tickin."
Unfortunately, the new Barenaked Ladies song stinks. They decided to make a music video also. Bad idea. The guys all got to do a scene for the music video with Ali.
The best part of the video was the Weatherman getting really nervous about his fake kiss with her. Where's Craig M. when you need him? Sadly, back in Canada. As this was all going on, Frank was analyzing how real the connection was between Ali and each guy. I think Frank could be a great addition to our blog as a guest writer. He over-analyzes just like us!
Rated R
Rated R snapped into a slim jim and decided to hobble over to Ali's place. But how did he know how to get there? He GOT DIRECTIONS from the most useless security guard in hollywood history.
When Rated R arrived in the middle of Ali's interview with the producers, he said "seeing her face was worth it." At the time, her face looked like a blend of pissed off and confused. Nothing says love like that combo.
By the end of the stolen one-on-one time, Rated R actually seemed more likable. When the other guys found out later, they were mad at him for "self-promoting." This seems to be misguided. They should have been angry that he broke the rules. When he says he'd give up his wrestling career for her, I kind of believe it. It's like me saying I would give up playing video games for Liz, my wife. I would. And I did. Wrestling isn't really that different from video games.
Individual Date #2 - Hunter
Based on the odds, Hunter was doomed from the beginning because Ali had given roses to the first three guys on their individual dates. Hunter also had the odds stacked against him because we knew nothing about him. There are rarely dark horse winners on this show.
I counted Ali saying "no romantic connection" three times on their date. Hunter also kissed Ali on the shoulder while in the hot tub. Finally, Ali thanked Hunter "for being so great." I'm no Dr. Ruth, but I know this is not a winning combination.
Cocktail Party/Rose Ceremony
To no one's surprise at this point, the beer drinking continued. Coors Light beer breath never struck me as the best way to make a first or second impression.
Even with Hunter gone, we learned that she has some great guys left. Chris L. plays flip cup. No way! I play flip cup, says Ali. Steve makes a candle picnic. No way! I love impromptu picnics, says Ali. Divorced Ty quotes literature, "Mr. Jekyll and...Hyde." No way! I love literature.
The rose ceremony was relatively uneventful. The producers are obviously pulling their weight because there is not a snowball's chance in hell that Weatherman is a better guy to keep than Steve. It's impossible. I refuse to believe it. BUT he does make for a better little brother/whipping boy character. The other guy who got booted was John C. I didn't remember his name until they flashed it in his exit interview.
Until next week...
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ReplyDeleteThis season of the Bachelorette is the best yet. These dudes are worse than the women.
ReplyDeleteFrank cracks me up with his constant peeping-Tom moments and his over the top "I'm on a show with 15 other dudes, I can't believe she is kissing them. I thought what we had was real" crap. The future Mrs. Irishtanker and I were laughing about the therapy group Frank has seemed to assemble -- Kirk, Craig R, and himself. They make a fine trio.
Ironically Craig R looks identical to one of my best friends growing up. You may ask where's the irony in that? Well my friend actually is an identical twin. Weird.
Anyways, I'm really hoping Frank makes it to the final three when they have their "Hope I'm not like Ed and can get it up night" with Ali. If he gets this freaked out with the kissing, that could make for some interesting TV.
The first question I have is how did Ali and Roberto get their evening attire? Do you think they had to walk back across the wire to the helicopter? I sure hope so. Also I wanted to slap Ali when she was commenting on how dreamy Roberto is because he can speak other languages. Well of course he can, he's HISPANIC!
My final comments relate to gimpy Rated R and his controversial two mile walk to Ali's house. I love how the producers and film crew at Ali's house seemed shocked when Rated R comes hobbling up. How about the film crew and helicopter crew following his ass up the road? If it was indeed two miles between houses, I am certain it took him an hour to make it and I'm even more certain the producers at Ali's would have been made aware.
My favorite moment however was when Rated R was showing Ali pictures of all the important women in his life. I believe you're forgetting to show her one important woman my friend.
I forgot one thing. Does anyone else think that John C reminds them of Tim C?
ReplyDeleteI was preparing for a blog post due to the Wags unfortunate cable situation so I have a lot of notes on this episode for a post comment but it is wonderful to have the band back together (foreshadowing Blues Brothers reference coming later as well).
ReplyDeleteRoberto's date had to be one of the most scripted in Bachelor/ette history. I have a scary theory that this show jumped the shark on the Michael Phelps Vegas date and Roberto's date didn't help. Ali loved how "protective" Roberto was in the helicopter as Mrs. Dugan inquisitively wondered what Roberto was protecting her from in the helicopter ride? The Dugans also immediately thought of the Man on Wire documentary upon the setup. Do the producers just tell them what to do or do the "actors" get actual scripts. The idea that they would get in the middle and have their first kiss was painfully set up. It did not get better when Ali said, "see, you are making me fall for you."
For one episode, this had a lot of tried and true Bachelor/ette fall backs: 1) helicopter 2) heights 3) fake kissing scenes 4) rooftop "wrap" parties 5)people sneaking to see Bachelor/ette against the ruled 6) hot tubs 7) embarrassing exit in yellow cab 8) fire building/smores 9) tears out of men 10) "not used to moving this fast" and "are you here for the right reason" conversations 11) the outcast Vienna character, aka Justin 12) insecure females. We could go on and on and all of these are expected on a season of this show, but to put all of this schtick in one episode was heavy handed.
Luckily, Roberto's slow date was followed by some laugh out loud moments and quotes and here's the rundown in no particular order:
1. Kasey talking.
2. Kasey saying (*i think*) that he wished he could sing to Ali.
3. Clips for next week when Kasey mumbles a song to Ali.
4. Ali being shocked, literally eyes wide shocked, that a guy named Roberto's first language is spanish.
5. Setting up rooftop pillows/blankets on a commercial building. If you have ever been on the roof of any building, you understand why its funny that they attempt to present it as a romantic setting.
6. Ali's first tipsy moments of the season during Roberto's date.
7. Chris L's fear of LA's meatpacking district.
8. The men's dancing during BNL.
9. Weatherman is a font of humor. His antics about the fake kiss saved the episode for me.
10. Weatherman busted out his second members only jacket of the season.
11. Weatherman and Justin's tears.
12. The amount of food Ali and Hunter prepared for their date - I counted 6 burgers and a package of hot dogs at a minimum.
13. Hunter tries to woo Ali by saying he would like to sit around the house as she continues her career. (surprisingly, that didn't work.)
14. Ali's bathing suit watch and Mrs. Dugan is confidant there will not be a repeat.
15. Hunter's subtle Austin Powers imitations during the date.
16. Justin proclaiming he would give up his entertainment wrestling career for Ali. Now that is love.
17. Yello Cab boot.
18. Steve saying fuck you to the producers, creating his own date on rose ceremony night, failing awkwardly with opening a bottle of champagne and thusly getting DAS BOOOOOOOT!!! It is more painful because his return is to Cleveland.
19. Droopy Dog borrowing a tie from Liberace.
20. Michael Phelps rocking the Canadian Tuxedo.
21. Chris L., who is 32, explaining that he was in a flip cup tournament in Vegas LAST MONTH! Not last decade. LAST MONTH! 32. Flip. Cup. Tournament. Vegas. Dugan falls on floor.
22. Roberto needs to get 17 inch neck on his shirts because he seems to have issues getting that top button.
23. Droopy Dog revealing his career as a Bullshit Detector.
24. Verizon Guy competing with insane Mumbler for early commitment guy.
25. Frank's attempt to be a new Blues Brother.
Last night's show had great momentum. Slow start but just kept building. Very excited for next week. Great to have you back, Wags.
Before I respond to your comments later, I will just briefly say, "buen provecho, buen provecho" gentlemen!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Govin's assessment of last night's episode - slow start, but an exciting climax.
ReplyDeleteMy Favorite moments of the week:
1) Hunter's grilling - was he cooking for little brown boy?
2) Kasey wanting to sing - I hope next week he sings "its not easy being green"
3)the obvious beer drinking - I don't remember past Bachelor/Bachelorette season's being so TANK-like
4) Chris L's flip cup disclosure - I can't imagine that any of my beer pong wins would capture a girls heart like they did 10 years ago, but I can't wait to see where this goes
4a) Chris L will be the next Bachelor
5) Weatherman's lone tear
6)Craig M's distant laughter from the wilds of Canada during Weatherman's video scene
I will leave this comment in the form of a letter to my unborn God Son in the event of my untimely passing.
ReplyDeleteDear Michael Timothy Walsh,
If you ever find yourself on a reality dating show where you are competing against a group of other men for the love an above average woman here are some basic ground rules you should follow:
1) Your mother is a lovely woman. However if you feel the need to commemorate your love for her in the form of a tattoo, come up with a creative symbolic way to visually depict it. DO NOT GET A TATTOO OF JUST HER NAME, HER FACE, OR A HEART WITH MOM WRITTEN UNDER IT.
2) DO NOT CRY UNDER – under ANY circumstances. It will make you look ridiculous. You can come across as a nice, sensitive guy without crying. For example, you can talk about how much you love and miss your God Father who died trying to circumnavigate the globe in a row boat. Talk about how much you learned from him and how you will miss his guidance and how he was like a second father. If you feel like you are getting choked up – change the subject. Don’t even rub your eyes as this may be able to be edited into making it look like you were about to cry. Just keep your hands away from your face.
3) MAKE FRIENDS. Yes, the girl is the goal but if you rub everyone the wrong way it will make it harder to win the girl and there’s a high likelihood you are being a Rated-R douche.
4) DO NOT SING – even if you can. No good can come from it. (Predication: Kasey’s depression from the realization that he can’t sing triggers his suicide attempt and it is unrelated to Ali)
5) DO NOT PLAY BASKETBALL – If I’m dead and your co-God Father is sitting on a the bench of a high court, chances are your father taught you how to shoot. This does not bode well for you.
Best of luck,
Your God Father
Just wanted to briefly explain Mikeysmalz last post. We are currently campaigning to be the co-Godfathers of our friend Pat's unconfirmed, unborn, probably not yet conceived child.
ReplyDeleteMike, please do not go Desmond Hume on us and try to row a boat around the world. You are already doing a half-ironman. Isn't that enough to prove to your God Child that you are a physical beast. Isn't your picture with Ali enough to prove how cool you are?
To further explain my post, Pat is terrible at basketball. In a flash-sideways to this post, I think as a group we could put together a pretty good little pamphlet on the dos and don'ts of how to act on the bachelor/ette depending on one's "intentions"
ReplyDeleteI know previous commenter michael is interested in becoming the first married contestant to be on the bachelor. i think it would be a great twist, but could get awkward if he makes it far.
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