Saturday, June 19, 2010

GTL - Gym, Tan & Liquor!

I was in Vegas this weekend celebrating my sister's 21st birthday. Due to some unfortunate activities (for him) at various blackjack and roulette tables, many slot machines and a particularly cruel game of casino war, a member of our party is offered complementary rooms at the Palms. Luckily (for us) this meant I had unprecedented access to fellow guest Paul DelVecchio who was enshrined for all of eternity with his own tanning bed at Sunset Tan in Drift Spa in the Palms Hotel. For $50 you can get the GTL package which includes two tanning sessions in the PaulyD bed, a two-day gym pass and a round of 2-for-1 cocktails at Iron Chef Kerry Simon’s lounge opposite the spa are also included in the package (but you can get a stack of these coups if you're a girl and walk by one of their promoters and pretend like you're going to Rain).

The ribbon cutting ceremony at the Spa was just the beginning of his weekend. DJpaulyD was the featured act for 'Ditch' the Palms friday pool party (for those keeping score at home, girls wearing stilettos outnumbered guys with legit PaulyD hair styles 5 to 1) and he also spun at the Ghostbar later that night. Here is another WWT EXCLUSIVE (not really) interview with PaulyD from his hotel bathroom.


  1. The interview of PaulyD seems like it would be a WWT interview.

    Q: "What do you like about the Palms?"
    A: "They take care of know...dinners."

    Hopefully the Palms could provide ravioli as good as mamma makes.

  2. GTL? OMG. I am so jealous of your life Mikeysmalz.
