Monday, February 9, 2009

The Bachelor Hometown: When Doves Cry

Here are my observations for this week's Bachelor:

1) "Flowers need rain. We will always be there for you again and again." In what freaking country does this rhyme!? Oh yeah......North Alberta, Canada.

2) I take back what I wrote a couple weeks ago about Molly being the favorite. It's now a tie between Molly and Jillian, or shall I say Moll and Jill? I was convinced because Jillian's parents worked through their problems. Jason's wife divorced him so he wants someone stable.

3) Jason admitted "letting Ty out on a putting green the moment he could crawl." Does this seem a little unsafe? How does an infant get out of the way when someone yells FOUR? 3 year old on a houseboat and now infant crawling on a golf course.

4) Red flag alert: Molly calls her mom by her first name.

5) Do you think Chris Harrison requires them to hug like this when they first see each other on the hometown dates?

6) Flight attendant Naomi's mom was really good at the hula hoop...and really bad at keeping her daughter in the competition.

7) Note to Naomi's dad: Jason obviously doesn't believe in Jesus.

8) They did not bury that dove deep enough. I'm sure a cat has already had "Rosie" for lunch.

9) According to Reduction Melissa's friends, her last boyfriend "used and abused her." Whoa.

10) Melissa is now "110% in love" with Jason. I hate that. Because it's impossible.

11) Melissa's friends have never even met her parents? Dallas, we have a problem.

And in a not-so-shocking ending, Naomi goes home because Jason does not want to clip her wings. It's now a sure-thing that Molly and Jillian are the final two. I am already working on Melissa's eulogy.

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