The night began as it normally does in the Dugan Household, with the DVR diligently recording the Bachelor as I watch some other shows to satisfy man code (foreshadowing a Juan appearance later in blog). And wow, was that pairs ice dancing something to watch. The Russians received a medal, as they have every year ice dancing has been a recognized Olympic sport, edging the Americans for Bronze as the Canadians were triumphant on home ice. Thrilling!
Ali's Time to Explain
Then the power surged in the Dugan household. Uh oh. DirecTV takes a while to cycle through and I ran to the supplemental tv to turn on Comcast in order to not miss a thing on the Bachelor: Women Tell All. So, we began our viewing roughly an hour into the program with Ali's heartfelt interview with Chris Harrison. Ali blames her fears for leaving the show, explaining that she was scared of being heartbroken, mounting bills, etc. Ali even took the high road when discussing rival Vienna with a shout-out to her rough tabloid coverage. Ali let out a bombshell that I think was glossed over:
"If I know what I know now...I would have stayed."
What the hell happens on the finale? Or after the Final Rose? As Jake told Kevin Fraser, we are about to get some more drama in the next couple weeks.
Elizabeth, this season's "Tori Spelling" candidate
Chris Harrison calls Elizabeth the ultimate game player and wants to find out why she played the no kissie-face game. Who cares, after Jake drops the second bombshell of the show (perhaps not linearly due to
FPL issues). Jake says he respected Tori because he had friends whose first kiss was at their wedding. First kiss? Wedding? Is this really done? Does Jake live in Kabul, Texas? Dugan is flabbergasted. As Jake explains that games have ruined more relationships than he would like to remember, Mrs. Dugan and I tried to think of the games Jake was alluding to...I voted
Tiddly Winks, Mrs. D went with
hide and seek, any thoughts from the WWT fans?
And yes, that is a link to the North American Tiddly Winks Association. If the 15 followers of this blog click on that link, we could shut their massive server down.
Bachelor goes Real World/Road Rules on us
As has been discussed numerous times, we believe people go on the show as contestants (1 of the 25) to eventually become the one choosing. But it turns out, people go on the show just to get into the Bachelor Reunion parties. We got to see the old gang of favorites including No Job Rob still mixing up drinks, Erica still judging, Blond Natalie from Mesnick's season still thinking highly of herself, Kiptyn who thinks he could have kept Rozlyn's interest and a great quote from Wes: "I've kind of had my fair share of hot chicks..."
Bachelor goes United Way on us
Next, the women tell all shows how much the Bachelor cares by having former contestants chip in time and effort with local charities. The kids from Vine Street Elementary (which this
review from Yelp says is "OK" and is hampered by having to translate everything into that damn Spanish) helped paint lifeguard stands. Mrs. Dugan and I thought that the kids were having fun but confused by who the hell they were painting with. Where are people we know like Kobe or Shaq?
Wags was not feeling sorry for the kids. These were the luckiest kids in the United States. They might as well all be cancer kids on a "
Make a Wish Foundation" outing. They got to hang out with Breakdancing Michael. I also think DeAnna is questionably racist. She called every little boy in there Carlos. That's pretty dick, DeAnna.
And Juan proved his man-card by handing out food with only female bachelorettes. And now comes the real question, who has fewer male friends, Juan or Jake?
Gia regrets not telling Jake her true feelings. You don't say?
I missed Crazy Eyes' segment due to FPL so please feel free to help out in the comments section.
Rozlyn's a Bad Liar
How much money do we think Rozlyn received to be part of the Women Tell All episode? After being called out by Gia, Ashleigh, Jessie and fellow Moms Ella and Valishia, Rozlyn denies all and says they didn't see what they saw. Chris Harrison compares Roz' lies to his son's fairytales about unicorns - a classic - and recommends "the simplest story is the truth."
Gia makes an obvious point by telling Rozlyn that she could have just admitted she had feelings for producer X, aka Ryan Callahan pictured below in traditional New Zealand garb, and everyone would have understood. Instead, Rozlyn stood her ground and called all the women liars...
and then goes after our fearless leader, Chris Harrison. Roz alludes to Chris making passes at Ryan's wife while in New Zealand and Chris wisely does not dignify her with a response. What could have been a beautiful love story has turned caddy and tragic. Much like in pairs ice dancing when a fall is blamed on one partner and ruins the rest of the routine...
Next week is the finale...and you'll be back in the safe hands of Wags.